


Status: Complete

and associations are formed, that leads to ruin, the young, who un-
der different prison environments might make good men. If some other place
could be utilized for a boys prison, I believe better results
would come to the boys, and the law satisfied, and the old offen-
der kept from exercising influence upon the youth. We all know
crime flourishes through good and evil times, and like Tennison's
Brook it goes on forever, and every avenue of prevention should be
guarded, and the youth trained in a proper way. The effort to live
without work has brought into effort the brainest men of the coun-
try. Statemen of the highest order must stand convinced, that, the
brains of the country are not all within the pale of the law. In-
telligence and energy, unequalled in any line now pervade the crim-
inal profession -so much greater the need of precaution on the one
hand, and the employment of skill on the other to meet the bold
raids of the criminal gentry upon law and order.

The Detective departmens of our city is in able hands. The record
for the past year meets my hearty commendation, and our people can
be congratulated on the small number of thefts and burglaries.
Not a city in the United States of our size, can boast of better
detective work. My mounted policemen and patrollmen all have lived
up to requirements, and have at all times been ready to sacrifice
for our citizens, and on their behalf I extend to you their thanks.

Below will be found an itemized statement of the work done with
some interesting particulars which I present for your perusal.

Thanking the Mayor and city council, and all the departments for
kindenss shown

I am truly, Yours

WM Rea
Chief of Police

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