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halfe an ounce of the said powder, stirre them well together and
when it is cold, emptie it into a glasse and soe lett it settle, & when
you doe use it take some of clearest and warme it as hot as the patient
can suffer it and bathe the soare well with it then apply toe it lint
wett with the said water; and likewise lap it up with a cloth wett in
the same,

A Cooleinge and healeinge plaister for the same

Take foure ounces of white Leade and as much of red leade beate
them seauerally & searse them and putt them into a pinte of
sallett oyle and a pinte of white wine vineger: boyle it over a soft
fire then putt thereto foure ounces of yellow wax, and soe stirre
it about till it turne to russett with boylinge ~

A Drawinge plaister for the same:

Take of Rosen & burgery pitch of each halfe a pound foure
ounces of yellow wax two ounces of deere suyte: melt them
altogether ouer a soft fire and when they are well melted
take offe the scume and lett it boyle softly, then take foure ~
ounces of olibanum one ounce of mastick beaten & searsed seue
rally: putt them into the skellitt seethinge putt therin alsoe
four bitter almonds and two drams of Camphire, beaten small
lett them boyle altogether for a good space untill it growe
thick then take it from the fire, and put therein four ounces
of uenice Turpentine, sitrring it well together with a stick that
it may be well mingled & when it is allmost cold streyne it
through a thinne canuis bagge wetted with oyle of Roses into
three pintes of white wine then worke it well in the wine
with your hands and if any of the granett be runne through the
streyner take it out againe and when you haue squised out the
wine with your hands, put it into a pott for your use ~

Another medicine for a fistula:

Take Bolearmenick the weight of six shillings six pence in silver of
white coparas the weight of eighteene pence and of allum as much
make them all into fine pouder & putt thereto: three spoonefulls
of the powder of oke leaves, well dryed and searsed mingle them all well
together & every morninge and evening, strawe some of it uppon th e
soare if it be an open soare, but if it bee a deepe soare put it into
it not wipinge it or dryinge it att all, but still applyinge fresh powder
thereto, and if it be uery foule with the working of the powder then
apply a seare cloth to it,: to clense it a while and then use the pouder againe

How to make a searecloth that cures any greene
wound or soare and Comforteth the ioyntes hurte
by any blowe buruise fall or Lamenesse

Take a quarte of the best sallett oyle and one pound of Derbyshire red
leade finely searsed put the oyle into an earthen pott well glased or
basin and putt in the red leade by little & little continewally stirring

it untill the oyle and powder be well mixed without setlinge in the
bottome stirre it with a sticke untill they be incorporated then put into it
into a broade posnet or wide mouthed panne and sett it one a fire of
charcoales and lett boyle softly still stirringe it untill it chainge culler
and become a sad tany and when it bubleth uiolently take it offe the fire
and dipp your prepared clothes therein and hang them one lines fiue or
six houres then smooth them and the longer they be kept the bette
they be ~

To make a bathe or poultise for a swollen legg
full of humors issuinge out in little holes
or the skinne broken

Take a quarte of stale ale and boyle therein as much of beane flowre
as will make it thick like a poultise: then when it is boyled enough: take
a good deale of blacke wooll that groweth about the vdder of a black sheepe
stampe it in the same ale ouer then take it out againe & Rowle it
round about the legg from the knee to the ancle: as hott as the patient can
suffer it: but before you lay it one annoynt the legg with sallet oyle
all ouer: and doe this morninge and eueninge: and if there be not enough
in quantitie you may seeth more of it att your pleasure.

A Medicine to heale the wild fire in a soare legg

Take a gallon of Tanners ouse and toe peniworth of greene copperas & one
handfull of weabred leaues one buske of Rosemary boyle them altogether till
halfe be boyled away and then lett the patient wash his legg with the water

A Medicine ffor a wild fire or inflamation
in the face or els where

Take Castle sope and boyle it in fayre water uery stronge then bathe the
place therewith: with scarlet or red cloth as hott as the patient can
well endure it ~

A medicine or poultise toe heale a soare brest that
hath neuer soe many holes in it without tentinge

Take a pinte of the best old malmsie or muskadine and halfe a pinte of
stronge ale and put in ouer the fire till it boyle, then take as much
of a peny wheaten Loafe, finely grated: as will boyle it to a poultise
and when it is well boyled putt therein to peniworth of the best english
hony and giue it one walme ouer the fire: then take it offe & putt
therein: one peniworth of oyle of Roses & soe spread it one a Linnen
cloth or Browne paper: oyntinge ouer your plaister with oyle of Roses
after it is spread & soe lett the patient apply it as hott as shee can
well endure it: dressinge of it twice euery day ~

A poultise to take an ague out the the breast

Take toe or three turnipps roast them boyle them with the skinnes one
them crush the water cleane out of them & put a good peece of sweete
butter to them & soe apply them as hott as the patient can well
endure them: ~

A medicine to keepe the ague out of a breast
that is full of milke

Take raisons of the sun & beate them in a stone morter: stones and all
spread them one a browne paper making a hole in the paper for the
nepple & soe apply them warme to the breast

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l.60 'a sad tany' - a dark tawny?