Queen's University Belfast: [A diary] (Percy Ms 7)





Much estemed Honoured Sir whose House is Famous and very much to be estemed in All holey writt: And in the Arts & Sciences oft Learninge; boeth in Ethik Logiq Metapheisuke: And becaus I know know for well & herefore I desire [ ] [ ] -------[ ]-------- [ ] It is A h[ ] [ ] A[ ]

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I have long bine thinking of a generall view of my life; and some hurrying thought's or other, have caused mee to desist often: I am now this moneth, (Novemb: 30. 1634.) of the age of 21. / so many yeares I have; Bine. but I have lived but few of them; sure then ^now I am of age; what if I count my yeares? / Lord, teach mee to number my yeares past, that I may apply my heart to wisdoms, to holines the few dayes, that are behind.

Last edit 4 months ago by Carlos Barquin


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To begin then, and dally no longer; The first 13. yeares of my life. I lived without any reflexe thoughts; though I could stand, and answer my father, like an hypocrite, when he posed mee in religious matters; yet was I very rebellious, and feirce against my mother and the servants (who yet dealt [ ] [ ] with my childish impetuous nature) so long I scarse knew practicallye, the right hand in religion from the lefte; About that time (as I take it;) my father was exercising (ut solst) in his familye upon the 11. math: []2. last. vs. come unto mee, yee that are heavy loaden; &: Art thou loaden? [ ] no, no; answered my soule; / whereat I was a litle startled; but the hedge (as my age) was but low, ad the devell trode it downe, with ease. when I was about. 13. and an halfe my father senig how litle I had profited under such a diversity of schoole masters, as wee had at weth[ers] feild; sends mee, to Felsted wher indeed, I thinke, I got more good in

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in one 2. yeares. with the blessing of god upon the diligent labours of my godly master Mr Holbeack, the[ ] I got in many twoos before; the 1. yeare I borded at Mr Fitches; = where I passed many a day of [ ] [ ]itye; amongst the rest, upon may day was 7. yeare; viz: 1627. / I made account to adde one more ad being holyday; Mary Adams, our maide asked mee, if I would goe to heare Mr Wells at Terling; to which I answered yea; and so went slipping, but why? the maine cause that drew mee (as I remember) was that I might see a new towne; and heare a new man; *Athenian as I was I desired noveltyes; though with an unknowne god; / But god had another end, though I knew nothing well; Mr Wells his mournsfull prayer melted mee into teares (as I thinke) but his sermon especiallye, which was upon the parable; I have bought a yoke of oxeen; &: his D. pleasures or earthly matters keepe many men from heaven;

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Last edit 10 months ago by RCH in KZ


Heere was I touched to the quicke: for I knew, my play and pleasure (to which I am beyond measure naturally [] to. I had kept mee from the way [] as yet. The whole sermon melted mee, and made mee come sobbing home; an my cast of any pleasures, and desired in some yoke measures to attend to what I was to Joe; I to ??? set him an love

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Last edit 3 months ago by zoehiscutt


But the lord who ment mee better thinges kept my toung that speake J could not for .. divell thu lon restrained my toong, that tender: Ed kindled f

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Last edit over 1 year ago by guest_user


[?] have many 1000. [?]; yet forget not the [?] feat from word even cary

Last edit over 1 year ago by Charlie Haacke-Golden
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