



Status: Needs Review

An Excellent Water for the stone or wind
in the body or colick or illnes in the stomach

Take 3 Galons of Ale camomile Hawthorne Flow
Phillipendula saxafras germander rosemary
pennyroyal Hysope Parsly winter savory Lavander
Fennel wormwod 3 handfuls of each put thes
into the Ale 24 howers a spoonful or 2 of Hony
as much turpentine as a walnutt beat them well
together bruse the Herbs well 3 nuttmegs put
all ther into your Limbech except the Hony &
Turpentine which must be put in after the Limb
boyles stir it together take 4 quarts of a strong &
2 of smal drink 4 spoonfuls in a glasse of wine
morning & euening


My Grandmothers Clownswoundworth

Cloundswoundworth salve 4 handfuls beat in a morter
Bees wax 3 ounces Barrows greace 4 ounces
halfe a pint of salet oyl boyle them til they will
Bubble noe longer strain it put to it 2 ounces
of venes Turpentine set it on the fire let it
boyle a little after so pot it up

{X} To open a wound falce Healed {W}

Agrimony Bittany rootes & rosemary alike quantity
stamp them fine temper them with Hony & the
wRye meal lay it like a plaster
to the sore


Spirit of Oranges

Forteen oranges pared very thinn steep them in 2 quarts of maliga
sack let them steep 4 days distil them sweeten it with white
suger candy as you please

For the shingles

The Galls of carpes Anoynt it ther with 3 times in a day cold
as it comes out of the fish

To dry up any runing Sore

The dust of oke wood & smiths water then powr the water
from it & put in a little whitewine boyle them & wett a cloth often
therin & lay therto till it mend Another for stinking sores
Juyce of celondine Plantaine Hony & the yolk of an egge & as
much barly meal as will make it like a plaster let it comes nere
noe fire An excillent salve for old sores
Bramble leaves sage & vallerian each quarter pound wax & fresh
butter the like rosin halfe a pound boyle thes strain it for vse

A comfortable Bawm Water for the spirits

A quart of the Juyce of Bawm & a quart & halfe a pint
of sack [juyce of great ]nuttmeg halfe an ounce of cinomon
as many cloves as you can hold between your fingers
beat the spices adde 6 pennyworth of saffron infuse all
these in your Juyce & sack 2 nights & a day stir into it a quarter
of a pound of suger also 3 or 4 handfuls of dryed Bawm
in the infusion will doe well

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