University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117046)





For an Ague - Mrs Davison

half an ounce of Bark, half an ounce of Steel, half an ounce of Couserue of Roman Wormwood made into an Electuary with Syrup of Violetts

The quantity of a Nutmeg to be taken 3 times a day the first thing in the morning fasting an hour after it , and at 4 o' Clock in the afternoon, and again going to bed.

To dry Two Hams of Bacon. S:Brydges

Take as much water as will cover them put into it 2 pound of the brownest sugar you can get, a quarter of a pound of salt petre a quarter of a pound of petre salt and a quart of a pound of bay salt and as much wet salt as will make it [Cear?] an egg Stir it well together and when it is all melted put in your hams Let them lye 3 weeks in the pickle turning them every other day Then take them out and dry well in a cloth and hang them up in the Chimney to drye.

To make a Cake -- Sister Brydges

Take a pound of fine flour well dry'd by the fire A pound of loaf sugar beaten and sifted, a pound of fresh butter. beat it with your hand till it is so soft as it can be. take 10 eggs but half the whites, put the sugar first into your butter, then the eggs, last of all the flour with a little mace and Nutmeg with an ounce of Carraway seeds Then put it into your pan and bake it

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


To make a Rich Cake - Mrs Davison

Take half a peck of flour 3 pound of butter, rub it together 9 pound of Currants 1 pound of Almonds blanched and shred thin, 1 pound of Naples biscuits grated fine 1 pound of 9 penny sugar a quart of Ale yest 1 quart of cream half a pint of Sack of Cinnamond Mace cloves and Nutmegs of each half an ounce put into the Cake, the Yolks of 12 eggs mix all the liquid things together

For the Iceing - Take the whites of 3 eggs a pound and an half of double refin'd sugar, beat it very fine and sift it in an hair seive, stir it all the while the Cake is Baking and as soon as it comes out of the oven spread it on the Cake and set it in the oven to harden

To make calves foot jelly--Do

Take 2 calves feet, 2 ounces hartshorn 4 Seville Oranges 1 lemon a qaurt of a pint of sack put to it 5 pints, of water and boiled to 2 quarts a peice of lemon peel sugar to your taste. And the whites of 6 eggs to clear it

To make Ratifea Cream - Do

Put 6 leaves of Laurrele to a quart of cream, boil it till it tastes well of them. And when it is cold put 2 yolks of eggs to it, beat them well Then let it simmer over the fire to thicken then sweeten it with fine sugar And when it is cold, put it into the dishes

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


An Ordinary Cake Mrs Davison

Take a quarter of a peck of flour rub into it a pound of butter, a little mace some cloves, and grate some Nutmeg and half a pound of sugar, and a little salt mix them all very well, with the butter and flour Then take 2 pounds of Currents wash'd and rub'd with a cloth and mix in it Then take a pint of Ale yeast first letting it stand till it rises to an head then skim it of and mix so much luke warm milk as you think will make the Cake heave then strain it thro' an hair seive into the Cake but dont stir it toggether till it has stood a little time to rise when you think it has risen enough work it very well together and butter your pan you bake it in

A Diet Drink Dr Cotesworth

Take 4 ounces of Sassaperella, slice it 2 ounces of China root, slice it thin one ounces and an half of liquorish half an ounces of shavings of Hartshorn, boil them in a gallon of Spring water, till it comes to two quarts cover it close, then take it off the fire put to it half an ounce of sweet fennell seed a little bruis'd and a little Antimony, in a bag. Let it stand close covered, till it is cold and then strain it off drink a pint at least every day when you do not take the purge for a month

The Purge to the Diet Drink

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


The Purge to the Diet Drink

Take a quart of an ounce of Senna half a drachm of Rhubarb sliced an ounce and half of Tamerines let it boil in 3 ounces of spring water to an ounce and half then add half an ounce of Manna and half an ounce of purging syrup of roses Make it into a draught to be taken every 7th day for 3 times Not drinking the Diet those days you take the purge

Hartshorn Jelly -Sister Brydges

Take half a pound of shavings of hartshorn, and two calves feet, take out just the marrow bones from the feet, Then take 6 quarts of pump water, Then let it boil till it jellys, the strain it off, and when it is cold take off the fatt, Then put to it some mace Cinnamond, and some loaf sugar sweeten it to your taste, and let it be dissolved in a saucepan Then put to it the juce of 8 lemons, with some of the peel cut in, and half a pint of Renish wine and the whites of 6 eggs beat into a froth and put in them. Then set it upon the fire and let it just boil up, Then take it off and by degrees put it into your Jelly bag and so let it drop into your Jelly bag, It being made with a thick Flannell which is called a thick Swan skin It must be made corner ways As it may but just drop into your glass You must put it on betimes, and let it hang on all day, and do leisurly till it is a firm Jelly

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


Hartshorn Jelly - Isabella Deut

Half a pound of hartshorne to 2 quarts of pump water boiled till it is a firm Jelly Then take the whites of 8 eggs, and the juce of 4 lemons, and a pint of white wine and half a pound of double refin'd sugar and Nutmeg Mace and cinnamond as you think proper

To cure Consumption Mrs Daw

Take the pluck of a red calf hot as it is taken out but not wash it, 9 quarts of red cows milk hott, divide the pluck and Milk equally, and put them into two stills cutting the pluck into peices, put into it a good handfull of Baum, with as much mint and red sage, unset , hysop, and Oaken lungs keep it stiring least it burn too Not draw it off too nigh, sweeten it with loaf sugar candy and drink a quart of a pint at a time 3 or 4 times a day or as often as you please This is a very Extraordinary Receipt.

The Pluck Water cures a Consumption -Do

Take the geather hott out of a red calf, and 8 quarts of milk warm from a red cow, baum, mint red sage, Unset, hysop- Oaken lungs, of each one handfull Divide the pluck Milk and herbs and put them into Two stills, cutt the pluck into very small peices, keep it often stiring lest it burn, and draw off from the whole quantity 5 quarts, and a pint drink a quarter of a pint

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
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