University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117046)





An Excellent Drink for a Cough or Hoarsness or Stuft Stomack my own. M:H

Take half a pint of Hysop water, half a pint of horsehorn water, half a pint of pimpernele water half a pint of Colts foot water, put to these one pound of good loaf sugar finely beaten, and boil 'em well till one pint be boiled away, Then slice in half a score of slices of Elicampane root, and give it two or three boils up afterwards, Then take it off and keep in a glass or pott, and let the root keep in it at the bottom of the glass This drink must be taken 3 times a day in the morning fasting at 4 o Clock in the afternoon and at night when you go to bed 5 or 6 spoonfulls at a time Thus do for a month

{my mothers}

For Vapours or Fitts of the Mother

Take the liver lights, and heart of an Hare of a male if possible, and bring in the blood, dry them in a Oven in a pan afterwards beat it to powder. Then take the like quantity of mother wort beaten to powder and mingle it together Then take as much of the powder as will lye on a small shilling or broad Six pence Morning afternoon and night This use till the greif is gone which will in a very short time by Gods blessing- If the greif have been long settled It may require another quantity more than the first The powder must be taken in black Cherry water about two spoonfulls

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


To make a Custard Mrs Smith

Boil well a quart of milk with some cinnamond cloves, and a little Nutmeg shred, and some lemon peel Then take it off the fire, and let it stand for some time close covered, beat 8 eggs but leave out the whites of 4 of them, and mix then well with the milk and sweeten it to your pallate Then strain it thro' an hair seive, and put in a little Orange flower or rose water Set it over a clear fire, and stir it all one way, When it begins to thicken take it off and stir it some time for fear it should curdle Then put it in a dish with some Sippets ot without, and if it cannot be eaten you may throw it away.

To make Solid Syllabub Mrs Blackford

Tale a pint of cream half a pint of white wine or Renish wine, a quarter of a pint of Sack the juice of one Lemon, and the peel grated three quarters of a pound of hard sugar, mix all these together, and put them into an Eaarthen pot or pan Beat it all one way with a wisk till it be so thick That the wisk will stand upright in it Then put it into a Syllabub pott or glasses, and let it stand 2 days or more You must beat it all one way or else it will not be a curd

To make a Whip't Syllabub Sister Brydges

Take a pint of Cream and a pint of milk and the juce of 2 lemons, with some of the peel sliced in it, half a pint of sack 4 spoonfulls of Orange flower water with some sugar to your taste, mix all these well together in a pan

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


Then mill it up to a froth, Then put some red wine at the bottom of some of your glasses, and the other part will settle white of themselves, you must take the froth off by degrees and so fill your glasses

Biscuits Mrs Ingram

Rub 2 pounds of butter into 10 pounds of flour well dry'd Then add a pound & a qaurt of powder Sugar and 4 ounces Carraway seeds make it into a pretty stiff paste with cold water, and half a pint of good Yeast work it a little and set it by the fire half an hour to rise Then cut it into little bitts, mould and roll it into the biscuits prick them well all over, and put them into a clean oven that is not too hott Take 'em out as they Bake and lay them single till cold, and put in the remainder if you like them crisp You must let 'em remain in the Oven till neer cold Keep 'em in a dry place You may add a little more butter and sugar if you like 'em richer

To make the Bitter Drink Mrs Davison

cardus seeds. Camomile flours country tops goution root of each 1 drachm, to half a pint of water. Boil them gently over a fire till half the liquor is wasted then strain it off and drink it fasting 3 mornnings together when you would have it purging - add to the Ingredients a drachm of Senna, and boil it to the other things.

Last edit about 2 years ago by AdenL


A marrow Pudding my own M.H

Cutt of the Crust of a penny white loaf Then slice the soft very thin put it in a Skillet with a pint of Cream and let it just boil up Then brake the bread very small then beat 6 eggs, and put into it half a pound of blanched Almonds beat them in a stone Morter, with 3 or 4 Spoonfulls of rose water, and put it in your Cream with a glass of Sack half a pound sugar half a pound of Currents add candied Orange Lemon and Citron sliced Seasou it with a quarter of an ounce of cloves and mace half a quarter of an ounce of Cinnamond mix all well together Then brake into it it a pound of marrow and butter your dish before you put it in

A Tansey ---Do

Take 9 eggs leave out 5 of the whites, as much juice of Spinage, as eggs and the same quautity of Milk grate in the Crum of a penny loaf and near one Nutmeg sweeten it with fine powder sugar, and put in a little juce of Tansey, put it altogether in a Skillet and Keep it constantly stiring over a slow fire, till it is pretty thick have ready a dish buttered and turn it into Set it over Charcoal till you think it is Bak'd enough on that side Then turn it out upon a pye plate and let it harden a little on the other side and so serve it up with Orange and sugar.

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


To Stew Carp my own M:H

Bleed him under the lower fire, into pint of Claret half a pint of water, a bunch of sweet herbs, a little pepper, mace and a Nutmeg sliced put in your Carp Let it stew first on the one side and then on the other Then take it out and put into the same liquor an Anchovey two shallotts Let it stew a quarter of an hour Then put in a quarter of a pound of butter beat up thick

A Diet Drink for a Child - Mrs Davison

Take Sassaparilla,2 ounces China roots 1 ounce roots of drop wort and fig wort slic'd of each half an ounce boil them all in 3 pints of Spring water till a 3dd be washed away adding toward the latter end Maiden hair one handfull 2 figs sliced an ounce of raisins of the Sun stoned half an ounce of Balsam of Tolu when 'tis cold strain it off and let the Child drink it and no other drink for one month But purge once in 10 days with Syrup of Succory with Rhubarb

To Stew a Breast of Veal --Do

half rost it , and then stew it in a strong gravey with 2 Anchovies, sweet herbs, mace lemon peel. Capers and half a pint of white wine for an hour, Then thicken your sauce with the yolks of 3 eggs or butter rubbed in flour with the juce of half a lemon take the sweet bread half rosted and slice it and fry it in butter to garnish it or sausages, Asparagus. Heartichoke bottoms, sliced lemmon peel or pickles

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
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