Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



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Last edit about 3 years ago by a_kennedy
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How to order each Herbe or Flowerbefore it is distilled.

First a soft Fire maketh sweete water and sweetnes to continue long. 2. Coales still the best Water. 3. Wash nothing that you will still: but wipe it with a clean Cloth. 4. All Hearbs Flowers and Seedes must be gathered when the Den is of them. 5. That which You will Still must lye at the least sixe houres before you still it. 6. All Spices corrupt your Water, except Ambur Gris, Ciuett & Milke. 7. Scumm your water well. 8. Keepe your Still very cleane. 9. Wash your Still but not often; then dry it with a dry Cloth. 10. A Glasses Still is best. 11. Borrage must be distilled the hearbe with the Roote chopped together. 12. Hysope the Leaues stripped from the Stalkes, when it bares blen Flowers. 13. Camomile in the medil of May the hearbe and Flower being chopt together. 14. Dill the Hearbes in the beginning of May. 15. Fumitory the whole Substance chopped in the End of May. 16. Mint either red or other; the Hearbe stalke & Leaues chopped: in the middle of May. 17. Roses cutting away the white Endes of the Flowers. 18. Rosemary the Flowers Budds and Leaues stripped from the Stalke in May in the Flowering. 19.

No scribe's index number appears on this page. This recipe continued from 263v.

19. Centory the Hearbes and Flowers chopped in the end of June. 20. Violet Flowers in Aprill. 21. Wood bynd the Flowers in the beginning of June.

TTo know the right Besar Stone.

Take a peece of cleane Paper and rubb some Chalke on it: then rub your Besar Stone; if it be good it will make the paper yellow. You may try it thus to take a wire, and make it red hott in the Fire; then touch the Stone: if it be good it will not [stir], if it be bad it will hiss and enter into it

These conversion notes appear in a different hand without a title. A pound physicall cons[isteth] of 12 ounces, a pound comon consisteth of 16, An ounce consisteth of 8 drames, A drame consisteth of 3 scruples, A scruple consisteth of 20 graines.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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