Status: Incomplete
Putesses Cum to me hands | ffor the foule stabb in the Head |
since I wrote the those | {9} ♃ farnia seratis Red meale q u |
on the other syde | Refine pul. subt q s boile them in |
{1} ♃ follioru [malueru ] Erigeri | aqua flueute unto the forme off |
Ground swill | Bind them in a lynencataplasme: spreade it apon |
cloth, and boile them in the Brothe off | lether, aplie itt hott. 45 E |
veale: untill they bee tender: then | To Suppurat Bubo [ueuis] |
stamp them very small and add | {10} ♃ Se , fe ungreci gresse putt ana |
to them cremore lactis dulcis | sicum caitulso ping |
micarum parris albi sew | laedi | , cereisie q s boile all
[ouile minut im inscise liss olei Ross] | to pultis aplie itt hott 46 B |
| Boile all thicke and in the coo -Against Inflamation |
ling ad therto viteello | onorum{11} ♃ the leaues of Henbane: Boile them |
no ii et se Cataplastina. There | in milke uery tender stamp them |
dooth Asswage payne & suppura - | fin all putto a little Safron mix |
teth tumors: | all well and aplie itt |
To mundesie and heale filthie | To Suppurat an Apustume |
ulcers | {12 } ♃ Crumbes of Bredd great kepinge |
{2} ♃ Cerevitia optime, & satis veteris | stones taken out | , fresh Butter &
follioru | hedere humilis, Calendule, ab=hogge greace ana | leauen
sinth ij malue ana | follio Ca[rofolijcow milke | Saffron make
et chelidonij ana | , Su itat ursicetherof a pultis used warm & [...] |
rub, & follio | Prassice ana , Radicesffor the same [....... 35 A] |
Briome [mgre] shred that [..] to be cut | {13} ♃ far fabar & trisici ana farma |
uery small, then boile them unto they | Seis | & fenugreci ana figge
be tender, then ad far [fabary] sem is | coritused | Axmigie croci
& fenugrecj ana Boile & stirr | uitiel ouo | ij se Cataplasm
them untill it cu | unto the forme offTo Asuage payne mollefye |
Cataplasme: Aplie it hott & thick at | hardnes and heale [ueceris] |
morning and Eueninge: [mimdefieth] | {14} ♃ [Saporis nigri, fellis canri, aqua ] |
and hialeth Rotten and filthie ulcers. | [uile ana plumbi rubri & albi ana] |
Such An other Pultis 47D | [sibt] boile & stir them [uele] A | pul
{3} ♃ Cereuifie optime uitello ouo | pultis let them coole well them put |
[..] iij polimis [triticj] qrs. mix them well | in uitello[..iiij] | ouoru well beaten
and gently boile them unto a cataplas | mix all well: spread it & aplie itt. |
{x} then ad therto Erugnis pul nicor | To take a waye payne 47 B |
rate them fully: And after (due washing) |
{15} ♃ Croci pul oloi Rofalt uitell- |
aplie itt unto any [] Rotten stinking and | oiroru | no iiij incorporate them well
filthoe ulcer morn & Euening [warmis] | spreade it on lether thick & aplie it |
ffor Inflamation | ffor Swelling in the stones |
♃ follio | Hyoscianij Boile them in milke{16} ♃ mica paris atri & farma fala |
{4} and after stampe them w a little safron | boile them in warte then ad cumin |
in pulder and make therof A cataplasm | seede in pulder, fresh butter, of each |
aplie it warme SAB | a little mak therof A pultis & aplie |
ffor hidropicall tumors | and aplie it warme 47 testuculis |
{5} ♃ Stercoris Boui iij Stercoris capri | ffor the Squinanci Angina |
[sem. Amsa. feniculi: Canij ana ] | {17} ♃ unguent dia Alther [h..is] |
[.. fe Cata plasin] | [.] ung or Swallowes [.....] |
ffor Angina in the throate | make therof a pultis & Aplie itt |
{6} ♃ [Sterc caniuj akbi et mellis ana qs fe c] | Inflamed womens Breste |
[] | {18} ♃ farme seis far Hordei |
[] | flo | Camomille p. j . rosa rul
[] | bocca | micsi pul. boile all in uineg
[] | to the wasting of the uinegar then ad of |
[] | hens greace | then ad oile of Roses
any on of theese will do itt | & of camomill ana | stamp all unto
for payne in a hott cause pane in [somte] | a pultis and aplie it warme |
{7} ♃ medulla panis medij lactis recentis | |
q s. Boile them thick then ad therto oyle | |
of uiolete if the paine bee meane: but if | |
the payne be greate oyle of Henbane and | |
aplie itt | |
ffor paine in jointe | |
{8} ♃ coclee cu tostis q. s. stamp them & aplie | |
them in forme of a cataplasme of rare |
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