whe est terme dothe begyn
Be hit knowe that est terme dothe begyne all ways the xxiij day aft est
[round] est day for one and endithe the mv day nexte aft the aste cyo daye
Trinite terme dothe begyn
All wey The fryday nexte aft Corpus Christi day : And endythe
The wensday fortnyght aft .
Michellmas terme dothe begyne
All wey on The nynthe or tenthe day of October : And endythe
The eyght and twe ty or nyne and twenty day of Noue ber.
Hillary terme dothe bygyne
The three and twenty or foure and twenty of Janvarye and endithe
The twellfe or thyrtyne day of the monythe off febrvarij
Notte thys that in est terme on the astencyon day : In trinyte terme
on the natynyte of seynt Iho the baptiste : In mychellmas terme on
the seste of allseyntes and on allsolles day : in hillary terme on candel ||
mas day : nor vpon any sonday : The kynge jugges do not vse to sytt
in Iudgmet.
for the carpe ether in poole or in the ryv
Take a bayte that ys callyd a codde bayte & first put yo hocke thorow the myddle
of : iij : or iiij . of the then put on one on the poynte of yo hocke a longe wyse
And so angle w t the & the carpe will byte at yt.
To make a wat for to make a iake w t all
Take the sthavyngis of horne : and good stronge worte and boylle yo horne and yo worte to
geder tyll yt be as thyke as oylle : and the Rubbe it on the lynen ch clothe that sthalbe
w t in yo iacke and the arye it well and the put yt into yo iake and so make it vp.
{[tor dyuer g di dogi d audies for die]}
{4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
{Lore yo 10}
diagram of 'A Trew Stile Stile'
{A Trewe Est & North Weste}
{Erecte diall}
diagram of 'Another fassion Stile trew
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