Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

Receipt book containing cookery receipts in English: with additions by several hands, and a few medical receipts.


Needs Review


88 A Recpit for cleaning tabels Four penny worth of Alkart root two penny wort of Rose Pink a Pint of Cold drawn Lint feet oil mixed in an earthen pan Let it stand all night then rub some of it over your tabels with a Lining rag & when it has lain on all some time rub it off with a clean rag they must be new or plaind for if they have bin rubd with wax it will not do

Receipt for Lime Water for the Stone & Gravel Burn the oyster shells very thoroughly till they crumble with the touch; weigh a pound of it, & put it into a jugg that will hold 6 quarts of soft boiling water - Stir it well with a stick, let it stand 24 hours - pour ir off clear & filter it through a thick cloth & bottle it - drink half a pint twice a day with a couple of spoonfulls of new milk in it - the shells require a vast deel of burning

Last edit 21 days ago by christina.jameson
Needs Review


For the gravel . an Excellent receipt. Three pints of Spring-water_ Three Spoonfulls of Oatmeal Three Pints of Hony_ Put them in a Clean Earthen Pan_ Stir them well together with a Stick_ Let it Stand twelve hours, & Drink half a pint night & Morning till well. For the Stone Half an ounce of Thick Liquorish, pour upon it half a pint of Boiling water, then let it have two or three boilings up together_ & Drink it warm every morning, in Six weeks it cured a person who had been twice cut & was going to be cut a 3^d time. . . . . . . . . The Stone water sold by M^r Palmer Warwick [Court] Holborn recommended by M^r Lyndon, who desires M^r Palmer to be carefull in giving the best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a bit of aal Allam the size of a Nutmeg. mixed with such a Quantity of milk as will turn it into a curd cured M^r Penton of a very violent pain in the Face and teeth. he held the curd in his mouth for five minutes & was relieved, but repeated it two or three times in order to prevent a return ________ ___ ___________________ if you wet Charcoal, wipe it, very dry & put it away, it will when you are it be a prevention to its suffocating. smells _____________ ___________________

Last edit over 1 year ago by wkist
Needs Review


89 Flower For the Piles - Mr Mole

one ounce of flour of brimstone, three ounces of double refined sugar, make them into a mass with syrup of Toln & then make them into lozenges of half a dram each, of which take two or three night or morning for a week or longer

For a Purgine Bottle an ounce of burnt hartshorn to 3 pints of water boyled to a quart with cinnamon & sugar stir it up to make it thick when you have it in drink

Doctor Mountjoys Diet Drink for the Rickets in Children Unto every gallon of second wort, put liverwort, maidenhair, hartstongue, agrimony, pollipody, strawberry and violet leaves; French Barley, planting, fumitory, woodbine and collinbine, of each one handfull; harsthorne and ivory aayi, anniseed and liquorish aayi; add to it roots of nettells, reddock and bardock of each one handfull; cleanse them, bruise them , but not wash them; boil them together, untill a third part be wasted, strain it off, bottle it, and give it as common beer - when you get the second wort it is better to boil it over again, as the drink will keep much better for it.

Receipt for a Liquor to Mark linnen - Mrs Monck brought it from London, November 10, 1775 Longwood one pennyworth, and one pint of water, and boil for half an hour

Bath Water Whey Boil one pint of milk and add to it one quart of bath water - and boil them together untill it produces a clear whey.

Last edit 21 days ago by christina.jameson
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Last edit 21 days ago by christina.jameson
Needs Review


90 For Shortness of Breath Lady Mary Cosley one ounce of Adam's Calcind magnesia alba one ounce of water'd sulphur made into an electuary with sirrop of ginger To water the sulphur you must pour bolering water on it & stir it about, when settled pour it off, & put boiling water over it again & pour the water off when settled, do it a third time, then dry it and keep it in a bottle till you use it. I water half a pound of sulphur at a time, & pour a quart of boilering water over it each time. I take a tea spoonful of the electuary every morning Lady Mary Cosley

Last edit 21 days ago by christina.jameson
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