Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

Receipt book containing cookery receipts in English: with additions by several hands, and a few medical receipts.


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a pamphlet intilles the complete Baker by James Stone of Amporl in Hampshire

Receipt for Baking bread with a very small quantity of yeast or Barm

If you want to bake one Bushel of Flour put it, into your kneading trough then take three quarter of a pint of warm water, and one table spoonful of thick steady Barm, which must be thoroughly mixed & stired into the water then make a hole in the middle of your flour large enough to contain two gallons of water and pour into that hole, your three pints of warm water, that is mixed up with Barm yeast - then take a stick about two feet long (which you may keep for the purpose) & stir in some of the flour, untill it is as thick as you would make batter for a pudding - then strew some dry flour over it, & go about your usual business for one hour; then take another quart of warm water and pour in, for in one hour, you will find that small quantity so raised, that it will break through the dry flour you shook over it, when you have poured in the quart of warm water, take your stick & mix it in the same manner as you was ordered before, then leave it, for two hours, & you will find it rise & break through the dry flour again, then add one gallon more of warm water & take your stick & mix it in the same manner you were first ordered all ways minding to leave it covered with

Last edit 22 days ago by christina.jameson
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86 dry flour, & you will find in about three or at most four hours time, that you may mix up your dough and then cover it up warm, and in four hours more, you may put it, into the oven, and you will have a light bread as tho you had put in a pint of Balm Barm there is no person but what will allow that one Bushell of Bread made with one table spoonfull of Barm, must be more wholesome, than when there is a pint of thick, grouty, bitter black barm used, which often alters the colour of the bread & spoils the pure wholesome taste of the flour. N.B. if you should find some body of flour sponged large enough before you put in the rest of you water you should with both your hands mix that which is spunged, and the dry flour all together & then add the remainder of warm water, & your dough will the following receipt cured Mary Emerson, child of the Ague, she being three years old - the quantity given to her was two grains of emetic Factor, put into six ounces of spring water, one spoonfull fasting in the morning - for a grown person a wine glass if it dont come up - repeat it - a vomit sometimes cures an ague, take it two hours before the fit is expected, it generally prevents that fit - it is proper to repeat the medicine a week after, to prevent a relapse - do not take any purge soon after

Last edit 22 days ago by christina.jameson
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a Remedy for a Consumption taken out of a Newspaper, August 27th 1781 a young gentleman that had violent night sweats & every alarming symptom, was cured, by taking every day for seven weeks, two ounces of the expressed Juice of Hore hound, mixed with a pint of Cows Milk & sweet'ned with honey. This drink (Call'd Mustard Wine) recommended by [?] Miss Holt, Mrs Vanbrugh, [?] as having been [?] with great success by Sir John Pringle to his Mother for the [Po?y] - & a Blister applied if attack'd with the disorder. Two ounces of Juniper Berrys, two ounces of Mustard Seed Bruised, and one or two sticks of Horse radish, put them all into a Stoneware and pour upon them two Quarts of Madeira Wine, and let the Stone Jar stand twenty four hours by the fire and one small Coffee cup full of this Mixture to be taken one Hour before dinner. It was likewise recommended to wash the Hand with the Best Flower'd [Darken?] Mustard.

Last edit 23 days ago by aeoliansquee
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For a Cough or Consumption

Take out of a Gravel Soil 30 garden Snails, & 20 earth Worms, wash Them both, but the worms in pieces & bruise the Snails in he Shells. put them into 3 pints of Spring water with one handful of Pearl Barley, & let it boyl to a quart. then strain it off, & shred into it as much canded Eringo-Root as will sweeten it as you likem, after ye Eringo is put to it, it must be put over the fire till tis melted. youare to take half a pint twice in a day with a coffee cup of New Milk in each draught if milk does not agree with the Stomach you are to put in stead of it, one Coffee cup of hot Water.

A Preservative against ye Pestilence

Take of Rue, Sage, Mint, Tosemary, wormwood, & Lavender of each one handfull, infuse them in a Gallon of the best white Wine Vinegar, put all into a stone Bottle closely cover'd & pasted; set the Bottle thus closed upon warm Ashes for eight days, after which Strain it tho' a flannell & put ye Liquor into the Bottles & to every quart put an ounce of Camphire then Cork the bottles very close, & it will keep some years, with this preparation wash your mouth, rub your temples & yr Loins every day; snuff a little up yr Nostrils when you go into the Air, & carry about you a Sponge dip't in the smae when you desire to refresh yr smell upon any occasion, especially when near to any Place or person infected

From a Physician in yr Duke of Berwicks Army in ye year 1721 we were told that four Malefactors, who used to rob the Infect houses &c; had own'd at their Execution that they Preserved themselves from the Contagion by this Medicine only

Last edit 3 months ago by makinghistoryaccessible5
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For the Rheumatism Take 2 ounces of Cuberbs, 2 ounces of Cardimons, 2 ounces of Coriander Seeds, & 4 ounces of Juniper Berries; bruise them & pour on them boyling hot, 2 quarts of new Ale [?] without Hops, or yeast; when cold put to it 2 quarts of Spruce Beer, let it stand 24 hours in a new Ear-then Pitcher and then take half a Pint in a morning fasting and at five in the afternoon as warm as milk from yr Cow.

For the Bite of a Mad Dog Take for one Dose: Native Cinnabar & Factitious Cinnabar, of each 24 Grains, of the best [Mu?k], 16 Grains, Give the Dose to the Patient as soon as Possible in a Cup of [frrack?], Rum or Brandy, lett him go to Bed between Blankets in order to sweat, which he will do copiously, finding himself Composed by a drowsiness occasion'd by the Remedy. the sweats lasts about 10 or 12 hours, after which he may get up, keeping himself warm with Cloaths that day. The second Dose is to be taken the Day of the next full Moon & a third dose Thirty days after the taking of the first If the Patient is already Seized with Madness you must give him two Doses within the Space of an hour & half. Dipping in the Sea, after the taking of the first Dose has been thought necessary & used nine times, but it is not mention'd in the Prescriptions handed about.

Mrs [?irch] Six Sheep Ttrotters half a Pound of Lean Beaf jug it 5 or 6 hours, strain it, let it stand all night, then pour of the Oil. and take the Quantity of a Walnut in half a Pint of Small Beaf broth

To kill bugs Corosive Subliment half an ounce Spirit? of Wine half a pint disolve the Subliment in the Spirit

Bitter apple half an ounce water one quart Boyle it till it comes to a pint and a half then strain it. Mix the [fignum?] together when used the Furniture & wood to be done with a painters Brush, it [?] Poison & will take off yr nails if [?]

Last edit 22 days ago by christina.jameson
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