Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

Receipt book containing cookery receipts in English: with additions by several hands, and a few medical receipts.


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(41) 23

Creams & Custards

Take a qt of cream 3 small laurel leaves or as many apricot kernels a very little bit of cinamon & mace, sweetened. let it have a boyls & set it to cool. then add the yolks of 10 eggs & the whites of 4 very well beat & strained. let it just thicken over the fire but not boyle. run it thro' a hair seive. keep stiring it till tis almost cold. then fill the cups.

Fine Custards

Boyle a quart of cream milk whole spice. then put orange flower water. with the yolks of 10 eggs & 5 of the whites mingle them with a little cream & when cream is almost cold put the eggs in stir it well & bake them.


Take a quart of cream & boyle it then put to it yr yolks of 8 eggs & 2 whites beaten, a little salt & rose water sweeten it & put it into it a little mace.

To Make Clouted Cream

Let 4 gallons of milk just boyle up then put to it 2 q.ts of cream & when it begins to boyle again put it in 2 large pans or trays. let it stand 3 days then take it from the milk with a skimer full of holes. lay it on the dish you send it up in. lay it high in the middle & a large peice on the top to cover all the rest.

To make Codlin Cream

Take of the pap of the Codlins half a pt, put to it about a quarter of a pd of sugar, mingle the Codlins & sugar well. then take a qt of thick cream & stir it into the Codlings by two or three spoonfulls at a time til it is all well mixd. cover it with clouted cream & let it stand half an hour before you eat it.

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
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To make Whipt. Cream

Take a qt of thick cream, the whites of 8 eggs, beat with a spoonful of sack. sweeten to yr taste. mingle it all together & whip it with a peice of wisk, as yr froth rises take it off with a spoon & lay it in a dish

Lemon Cream

Take 4 large lemons. squeeze out the juice. & scrape out the meat, put to it a pint of fair water & [] pare off the yellow rind of yr lemons & let it infuse in the liquor & an hour strain it our & put to it 1/2 a pd of fine sugar. beat the whites of 6 eggs the yolks of 2 of wch you may put in before you strain them. after that put in yr sugar. simer it over the fire till tis as thick as you like, put it in glasses.

To make Ratifie Cream

Take kernels of apricots Beat them very fine & to 2 ounces of kernels put a pt of cream & 2 eggs. sweeten it & let it boyle till tis pretty thick. you may slice of the kernels thin & put in besides wn is beaten

To make India Cream

Take stiff hartshorn jelly melt it in a stew pan. put in lemon peal cinamon & mace. let it boyle to have the taste of them & to a pt of jelly. take the juice of a lemon. sweeten it & when your jelly is a little cool put it into it. stir them well together. then take a full quarter of a pt of milk & put into it keeping it stirring till near cold & then put it into cups or glasses. When you use it put the cups or glasses into warm water just to loosen it from the cups. then turn it out & stick it with blanched almonds.

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
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(43) 24


A Trifle

Take a pint of cream & boyle it & when it is almost cold sweeten it with double refin'd sugar & set it in the bason you use it in put to it a spoonfull of a Runnet & let it stand till it is come lie a cheese you may perfume it with orange flower water.

A Gooseberry Fool

Take Gooseberrys & scald them till they are very tender in just as much water as will do them. when they are very tender rub 'em thro' a seive & to a qt of gooseberrys take 6 eggs whites & all. beat & mingle them well together & sweeten it. give it one scald & keep it stirring on the fire till tis thick. you may put a little rose water.

Jelly of Cream Take 4 ounces of hartshorn put it to 3 pints of Spring water. set it on a slow fire & let it boyl 'till tis a strong jelly, then strain it while it is hot. put in half a pt of thick Cream, 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Sack or Orange flower Water , sweeten it with loaf sugar to yr taste.boyle altogether & stir it 'till tis cold otherwise the Jelly & Cream will part then put it into narrow bottom Cups,'till the nex day. then take Cream Sack Orange flower Water & Sugar, mix it to yr taste & loosen the Jelly from the sides of yr cups & 'twill come out whole then put it into yrCream turning it upside fown, serve it up.

Orange Cream Take the juice of 2 lemons & one Orange sweeten it very well & put to it 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, then take a pt of Cream & boyle it with some Orange & Lemon peal, sweeten it a little & let it stand till tis almost cold put yr juice in a broad shallow dish & then pour yr cream over it thro a funnel as high as you can that it may froth, if it be for dinner it must be made overnight.

Last edit 10 days ago by christina.jameson
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(44) Creams & To make french Curd as at Court Take a pt. of Cream, a pt. of new Milk, 3 or 4 Sticks of Cinamon, boyle them togehter, then take it off & let it stand 'till tis almost cold, sweeten to your tast with double refined Sugar, put in a glass of Sack, & the quantity of two spoonfulls of Runnet that is not too salt, if it should be salt put in less, let it stand to come to a Cheese that take a little Cream & sack, a little Lemon peal, sweeten it with double refined Sugar to you taste, then beat it up with a Wisk & scum the froth off, put it in a Seive to drain the Milk out, then take a little of the froth & put over the Cheese.

Burnt Cream Beat the yolks of 4 or 5 Eggs very well & put as much flour into them as will lye upon a Shilling, as you beat them pour in by degrees a pint of Milk or Cream put to it some preserves Citrone or Orange, minced Small, some Alomnd or Pistatia nuts with a little orange flower Water, that done put the Cream upon a hot stove, Stirring it about that it does not Stick to the bottom when it is done enough, pour it into a Shallow China Dish, then put it over a hot Stove 'till it sticks to the brim of the Dish, but while this is doing, you must hold a red hot Iron or Shovell over it, that it may be a gold Coulor, strew it over with fine Sugar & lay Candid Citron round ye brim of the Dish.

To make harts horn Flomery Boyl half a pt. of hartshorn in 4 quarts of Water 'till it comes to 1 qt. or less, let it stadn all night then beat & blanch a quarter of a pound of Almonds, melt the Jelly & mix the Almonds with it strain it thro a thin Strainer, or hair sieve, then put in a quarter of a pt. of Cream, a little Cinamon, a blade of mace, boyle these together & sweeten it, put it in China Cups, when you use it turn it out of the Cups & eat it with Cream.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rkaiser
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(45) Creams Flomery Put 3 handfuls of Oatmeal ground small into 2 quarts of Water, let it steep a day & a night, then pour off the Clear water & put the same quantity of fresh Water to it & strain it thro' a hair Seive, boyle it 'till tis as thick as hasty pudding stir it all the while that it may be extreamly smooth & when you first strain it out before you set it in on the fire put in one spoonfull of Sugar & 2 of Orange flower Water, when it is boyld enough pour it into Shallow Dishes.

Pistatia Cream Take half of pd. of Pistatia nuts, break & blanch them, beat all except one Dozen which you must keep to Slice, & lay at top of the Cream, beat the Kernels in a little milk then put them into a pint of Cream with the youlks of 2 Eggs, sweeten it with fine Sugar & to this quantity put a Spoonfull of the Juice of Spinage stamp'd & strained, set all this over the fire let it just boyle, & when you send it up toe Sliced kernels on the top, you may put one White of an Eggs

Lemon Curd As at Court Take a pt. of thick Cream & when it boyls put in 6 whites of Eggs & one Lemon & a half, then stir it 'till it comes to a tender Curd, then put it into a holland bag & let it drain 8 hours till all the Whey be run out, then beat the Curd in a Mortar & put to it a little Sugar, put it into a bason to Shape it, let it stand an hour, then turn it out & pour thick Cream over it.

Whip'd Cheese Strain the Juice of 2 Lemons thro' a muslin, sweeten it put to it a pint of Cream whip it with a Whisk 'till it is thick, & put it in a peice of muslin in a Sieve & let it stand all night then turn it upside down on a plate.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rkaiser
Displaying pages 61 - 65 of 156 in total