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Breast of Veal Collar'd

Take a Breast of Veal White & fat, bone & beat it well, take a handfull
of sweet herbs shred small, a few Cloves & Mace, a little salt, wash over the
inside of the Veal with Yolks of Eggs, strew the herbs all over that, cover
that with thin Slices of Bacon dipt in Yolks ofEggs, then role it up
in a Collar & bind it hard, when it is boyled enough Cut the Role into
9 or 10 Slices, lay each upon a Sippet, make the Sauce of some of the
Gravy shak'd up with Butter & the Yolks of 2 Eggs, Garnish the Veal with
Bacon fry'd in the Yolks of Eggs.

To Draw Gravy

Take a pd of Gravy Beef Sliced thin, a quarter of a pd of fat Bacon
Sliced thin, lay a layer of Bacon & a layer of Beef a hole Onion & some
pepper, put it into a stew pan over a gentle fire, cover'd Close Stirring it some
times till the Gravy is drawn out, & then let it stand till the Meat has suck
ed it up, then take a pt of Boyling Water, put in half at first, squeazing
your Meat with a Spoon, then let it boyl, then pour that off into a pan, put
in the other half pt of water or a little more let that stand & Stew Slow
for about half an hour & when done mix it with the other let it stand 'till
tis cold then take off the fat, put it into a Clean pan & boyle it up, then
you may use it as you have occasion.

To Make a Strong Broth for to keep for use

take part of a Leg of Beef the [Scaug] End of a Neck of Mutton. Break the
bones in pieces and put to it as much watter as will cover it a littil salt
when it Boils Sccum it clean put to it a whole Onion Stuck with cloves
a bunch of Sweet herbs Some pepper a nutmag quartered let them bubile
till the meet is boiled in pieces and the goodness boild out of it then put
in two or three Anchovies and when dissolved Strain it out to keep for
any hash or Fricasy

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