



Status: Needs Review

A good oyntmente for the stomacke:
Take a pinte of very good sallet oyle & thre or fowre sponefulls of sharpe white wine vineger, of Reed mintes, wormewoode, of each one good handfull, of Cloves, mace, & ginger, of each one ownce beaten into grose powder, then shred the yearbs fine & temper them well with the spices, then put them all in a cleane pott & stopp the mouthe very close, then sett it on the fier in a pott or panne of water so that the water may cover more than halfe of the pott wher the thinges, so let it seethe the space of fowre or five howers still renewinge the water, then take it off & as it waxeth cowlde streyne harde the oyle from the other thinges, melte a qter of a pownde of pure wax put all together in a fayre glasse pott, in the morninge when you arrisse heate some of it & annoynte your stomacke therwith:

An excelent medicine to stoppe the consomption of nature & to restore the body in shorte time:
Take a Reed Cocke & droppe him as the mannor is to stew with his liver & stones, then quarter him & [sorh] every parte with a knife, then put it into thre quartes of white wine: Take tooe ownces of fenell rootes, one ownce of parsley rootes the middle spire beinge taken out five or six dattes, the stones & white within taken out, halfe a handfull of greate reysons & tenne prunes the stones of both taken out, of Simanon thre qters of an ownce, of ginger halfe an ownce, longe pepper one peniworth, Cloves & mace tooe peniworth, one nuttmegg, of greynes fowre peniworth of yellow Amber twelve pence weyght, of the bone that growes in the stages harte eyght peny weyght, of seede pearle as much, beate all thes into fine powder: Take olso of Burrage flowers Conserved, & of Rosemary flowers Conserved, of each one ownce & a halfe: Of the powder of Diatrium Sandalox a qter of an ownce: let all thes stuffes be put into the wine with the Cocke into an earthen pott cover it with a borde & paste it with Dowe very close, then put the same into a brasse pott or Cawdron with whott water & let it stew ther six or seven howers, this done take it off the fier & pownd it in a morter & streyne it harde & let the patient eate therof seven or nine sponefulls at one time (made very warme) thre times a day:

A very good way to distill a pigge whiche is excelent restoritive for a weake bodye:
Take a good fleshy pigge but not to fatt, scalde him & washe him cleane & make him as dry as you can with a cleane clothe, then take of Dates, prunes, Reysons, of each a qter of a pownde, of Currantes halfe an ownce, of Sinemon rindes as much, of whole mace as much olso, of Shuger Candye halfe a qter of a pownde, of Suibery one handfull, of mayden heare, bloodworte, liverworte, hartes tonge, violett leaves, strabery leaves, sweet margerum, longebeare, of each of all halfe a handfull, tooe or thre fenell rootes the pithe taken out, one quarte of muskadin or Bastard in steade therof, one quarte of runninge water, put all your stuffe with your pigge quartered into into a fayre yearthen pott of a pottle, stoppe the mouth therof as close as you can possible with paste, you must not forgett to put in thes heade & feete of the pigge: Then take a bottle of fayre water & make it seeth, then put in your yearthen pott & ever let it boyle the space of fowre & twentye howers & as the water doth consume have redy whott water to fill upp the bottle: when it hath sodden the full time take it out & open it & let the liquor therin runne throughe afayre cloth: And when you have neade put one sponefull at once in your Brothe.

A Soverayne Jelly well proved for Consomption
{vernams medicins}
Take a well fleshed capon, scalde & drawe him, & put in his belly one handfull of barley, & as much reysons, Currants, & Dates then putt him in a earthen pott with a galland of clarett wine, & so put in a quantitye of Sinamon & ginger & let it seethe untill the fleshe be fallen from the bones, then beate it in a morter, when it is well beaten put it into a [Hocras] bagge & let the Jelly runne into a fayre vessell: And give the patient therof morninges, at none & nighte warme with the yolkes of thre new layde egges: And within the spendinge of three Capons thus, by gods providence the patient shall recover much health: And to comforte the stomacke give him of Aromaticum Rosarum: made in lozenges:

A medicine for the weaknes in the backe or consuminge of nature
Take one pinte of goates milke newly milked, halfe a handfull of the flowers of white Archangell & lay the same in steepe in the milke all nighte, in the morninge seethe the same tooe or thre wawmes, then streyne it & put therunto a quantitye of Shuger Candye & let the partye drinke thereof blood warme & so usse it seaven dayes together every morninge fastinge.

A good medicine to restore Nature
Take one good handfull of knott grasse, as much Daysies the rootes & leaves beate them together in a morter, then take twelve Cappe Dates & beate with the yearbs olso, after thay be well beaten take the pithe of an oxe backe a dishefull, the yolkes of six new layde egges, & beate them together. Them take a pottel of the best muskadine & put into all the same & sturr them well together, then put it into a fayre vessell & seethe it untill the forth parte be consumed, then drinke therof very warme morninge & eveninge the quantitye of halfe a pinte every day & more if you like: This is very good to restore nature & to get strenthe when a mad or woman is weakened:

A medicine to cleane the Backe
Take tooe good nutmegges, pricke them full of holes with a nedle, lay them in white vineger all nighte, in the morninge wrappe them in a wett browne paper & roste them in the imbers untill thay be throughly dried, then beate them into powder as fine as flower & every morninge & eveninge, drinke of it blood warme with ale, in any wise lett your nuttmegges be cowlde, before you beate them, for otherwise thay will not be powder: This is very good to make one make water, that hath the collicke for it will cleanse the backe & kidanyes:

For the Collicke & the stone & for the mother, most principall
Take Fenell seedes, Coriander seedes, Caroway seedes, parcely seedes, gallingall seedes, gromell seedes, of each one ownce, of the leaves and [coodes] of seene a qter of an ownce, of Spignell, of time of each a qter of an ownce, make all thes into powder & searce them, & so drinke therof in good ale or white wine first & last & in all manner of sawces you eate with your meate: And this medicine will heale you, it hath bine proved many times:

To breake the stone & to make one make water
Take halfe a handfull of pelitory of the wall, six parsley rootes, halfe a handfull of vusett time, & a quantitye of penriall, seethe all thes in a pottle of Rennishe wine or white wine from a pottle to a quarter then take nutmegge rosted dry by the fier, & devide the same into [fowr] partes, then drinke the same warme after it is streyned at your plesure as much or as little at once as you will:

Many good medicines for the stone:
Take fowre sponefulls of the water of hawthorne flowers distilled & eyght sponefulls of Malmsey & one sponefull of Casse vineger ginger in powder, & drinke it & it will by gods healpe breake the stone:

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