



Status: Needs Review

A restoratyve broth to bring them that are weake feeble to thir pfecte health agayne

Take iii qtes of Runnynge water iii quarters
of an ounce of Chinor Roote thyn [sceyces] put
into a pipkyn & cover it close set it on the
fyre at night & see it boile before you leave
it at viiit of the Clocke then let it stand
all night till vii of the Clocke in the mornyng
upon hote Enbrose then put into [it] a small
[Chukyn] clove washed Scalded & washed
the legge Cut of, half a handfull of resons
of the son cleane washed & stoned xiii or
xv damas prunes Borrage Buglasse Cuccorit
[endis ] & violett leves of eche a small quantitie
& one flake of mace boile all these together
till they come to a pynt, strayne it through
a Colender & put it up into a pot devyde
the quantitie into iii ptes & drinke one draught
in the mornynge at vii a Clocke another
draughte at iii in the after noone So use
it everie daye a fortnighte you must make it
in a redynes that you do not want it in
these howres during that fortnight

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