153 98 Brumwich (Anne) [& others] Booke of Receipts or Medicines [? out] [bookplate] MS. No. 160. Wellcome Historical Medical Library Accession Number 18663 Press Mark [/bookplate] 41 D (3) 18663
Learing I would dsire and knowledg crave If I weare halfe sepulcered in my grave Leareing I would desier an k
[?] [Sandall?]
29Miss R Rhoda Hussey
for I haue learened in whatsoev on a Sir [Mrsh] Garthwait Garthw RF mis hann Garthwait Rhoda Fairfax
Garthwait Rhoda Hussey
Vrsula Fairfax March the 30 1663
Maddam Rhoda ffairfaxe Miss Fairfax
S. 7/07
XAn excillent Soveraighne balsome called th Lady Ropa Ropeues
Take a quarter of a pound of yellow wax cutt into small peices & putt itt into a new earthen pott or panne then melt itt & putt w th itt a pint of Sacke & when itt is quite melted take itt from from th fire then take halfe a pound of venus Turpentine & wash itt in Redd Rose water then take a pinte & a half of Sallettt oyle & powder both th oyle & th Turpentine into th panne wh[...] th wax is well melted in th sacke then boyle them all togeather on a Soft fire vntill they bee well incorporated then take from fire & lett itt coole & when it is thoroughly cold take away the ca[k]e from e sacke then melt e cake in Panne againe, & when itt is melted putt in one ounce of e best redd Sanders & soe stirringe continually vntill itt bee cold e sanders must bee beaten & sifted fine
The vertues of this Balsome
{1st} It helpeth e headach by anointinge e temples or nostrills therewith butt better by applyinge a playster of e same
{2ly} It helpeth any burne or scald happeninge by fire or water
{3ly}It will heale any wound either inward or outward Inward w th a Serringe or by beinge powred warme into e wound Outwardly by applyinge fine Linte dipped in e balsome melted & then a warme playster of e same balsome vppon e soare it not only taketh away e paine but also helpes to draw forth all broken bones or splints or anythinge ese t t might putrify or fester if e braines or inward parts as e hart gutts or liver if they bee nott perishd itt will heale in 7 dayes or 7 times dressinge provided no other thinge bee applyed thereto
{4ly} It healeth any bruise or cutt by dippinge of Linte in this balsome melted & a playster of e same layd thereto itt will heale itt w thout Scarre remaininge.
{5ly} It helpeth e Sciatica or Ach comminge of cold in w t joynt so ever itt bee & taketh away painefull greife proceedinge of moisture & cold taken in e bones & Sinnews by anointinge e place soe oftended w th warmed balsome & a playster of e same layd vppon itt
{6ly} It helpeth a ffistula vlcer or any old soare bee itt never soe deepe in any part of e body being applyed as afore said for a cutt
{7ly} It is present remedy for one t is poysoned beinge presently taken e quantity of an ounce melted & soe drunke
{[...]ly} It helpeth e Runninge of e Reigns beinge rapped in Nutmegg & Sage & taken 3 or 4 pills at a time for certaine dayes together
{[...]ly} It cureth e feaver beinge taken in halfe a pinte of sacke or broth
{[...]ly} It helpeth e wind Collect or Stich in e side by applyinge thereto a good quantity playsterwise 4 mornings togeather
{11ly} It helpeth e prickinge of a Thorne & draweth out e same or any other prickinge w tsoeuer {12ly} It helpeth e Stinginge of Adders or any such like Venemous beast beinge drunke in warme milke {13ly} It is good for those t are infested w th e plague or mezells beinge presently taken e quantity of an ounce 4 mornings together {14ly} It helpeth e bitinge of a madd dogge beinge applyed as for a cutt {15ly} It is good for breasts to dissolve or breake or ripen them to dresse breast twice a day anoint itt & lay a cloth on itt & keepe e cloth to it w thout changeinge it att all
A precious balsome e goute paine in e ioynts or bones the crampe any manner of bruise itt is good against burnes & scalds cureth sores old or new.
Take halfe a pinte of white wine pinte put them together & putt ^into them St Johns wort, two ounce Cardus benedictus, sage, valerian, Rosemary, Bugell, Prunella, Egremony, betony, of each an ounce of each of these y u must take the leaues and flowers if itt bee possible shred them very small & let them infuse & steepe in a close potte in your oyle & wine 4 & twenty houres then boyle them in a well velled pipkin on a soft fire till y u thinke e wine bee consumed often stirringe itt w th a sticke then take itt of e fire & strayne itt from e Hearbs & putt itt againe into e pipkin & putt thereto of Venis Turpentine unwasht four ounces stirre itt well sett itt on e fire againe & boyle itt softly a quarter of an houre then putt thereto Olibanum one ounce myrre halfe an ounce dragons blood two dramms soe lett itt boyle softly vntill e Olibanum & e Myrre bee dissolued then straine itt againe & lett itt coole then putt itt up into a glasse stoppe itt close & sett itt in e sunne 8 or 10 dayes & soe keepe itt for your vse itt will last in perpection 4 or 5 years Apply itt w th Rubbinge or w th a feather for e goute or anye payne or bruise for e space of a quarter of an houre on e place greiued for sore burne burne or scald putt itt into them or vppon them if itt bee for a cutt or wound lay a playster vppon them.
t is old, oyle oliue e best aLucattilly his precious Balsome
Take oyle of swallowes 3 pound oyle of Hypericon or St Johns worte 2 oz oyle of Juniper one Ounce oyle Despecke one ounce Venice Turpentine washed white one pound, naturall balsome one ounce red Saunders 4 ounces yellow wax halfe a pound dissolue e wax in e oyle of swallowes ouer a soft fire then mix e rest of e oyle in itt after t mixe the Saunders whilst itt is pretty hott but stirre itt continually lastly take itt from fire & when itt comes to bee little more then lukewarme putt in e Turpentine & stirre itt stil till itt bee thorough cold both to incorporate e Turpentine e better w th e rest & to helpe e Saunders from fallinge all to e bottome
The Virtues {1st} It healeth any wound either inward or outward beinge squirted in warme beinge inward & Outward being aplyed w th fine [[..]t] & itt will cure itt in 4 or 5 dressings {2ly} It healeth any burninge or scaldinge or any bruise or cutt beinge anointed & applyed warme {3ly} It taketh away the paine & ach in bones & sinews applyed warme like wise {4ly} It helpeth e headach anointinge e temples & nostrills therewith {5ly} It is good against e wind Collect or stich in e side takeing euery morninge a quarter of an oz thereoff & anointinge it warme for 4 mornings {6ly} It is good against poyson & helpeth a surfett takinge e quantity of an oz thereoff in a little sacke warme & helpeth e bitinge of mad dogs or any other beaste {7ly} It is good against e plague anointinge e lips & nostrills therew th before e party goes abroad {8ly} It healeth a fistula or vlcer bee itt neuer so deepe in any part beinge applyed as afore said to e Cutt {9ly} It is very good for one infected w th e plague mezells & e like soe itt bee presently taken in warme broth e quantity of a quarter of an oz 4 mornings together & sweate vppon itt {10ly} It allso keepeth one from varmin {11ly} It allso helpeth digesture anointinge e nable & stomach therew th when e party goes to bed {12ly} It will stanch any blood presently of a greene wound puttinge a playster of linte vppon itt & ty itt very hard e said oyle or balsome may bee kept 20 years & never loose its vertue butt bee much e better
A Soueraigne Balsome which will cure any greene wound presently
Take of oyle oliue 3 pints of cleare well water one pinte of venis Turpentine one pound of virgin wax half a pound Hypericon or St Johns wort 6 oz of liquid Storax 4 oz of Mumma 1/2 an oz of dragons blood one oone oz of naturall balsome one ounce of red Saunders one oz of [Plantan] & Rosewater of each halfe a pint of greene bay leaves, of Rosemary of balme Time Tutson of each one handfull
Take a brasse bason qtsquarts & putt into itt e oyle oliue e well water e venis Turpintine e Liquid Storax and stirre them well about t they may bee well mix ed together then putt itt on e fire & wax and e hearbs therein shredd e hearbs before y putt them therein butt never wash them lett them bee cleane gathered then lett them boyle verry untill Hearbs bee tender & strayne itt whilst itt is very hott w ch done cast away the Hearbs & drosse & lett the strayned liquor stand untill itt bee cold & then cutt itt in 4 peices & take away e drosse & afterwards putt itt into a vessell w th e Rose & Plantan water & when itt is melted Styrre into itt e powder of Mumma of dragons blood & off Red Saunders & adde into itt e oyle of St Johns wort & e naturall Balsome w ch done bury itt in e ground in a temperate place for e space of 12 months & after vse itt (butt itt may bee vsed presently after itt is made) allbeit t buried is of greater virtue It is good for all Aches Strains or Synewes anointinge e place greiued
Tis good for any surfett plague or small pox if y inwardly
giue ittAn excellent Balsome curinge many disseases & all desperate wounds in e space of 24 hours
Take of Myrre of Aloez heaped of Spiknard of sanguis draconis of frankinscense of Mommee of Opopanax of Bdellium of carpobalsa of ammoniacum of Sarcocolla of Safron of Masticke of Gumme Arobacke of Storax liquida of each 2 ounces of e iuice of Castorummum 2 oz, of Muske, 8 oz of Turpentine
Take them well w th Turpentine putt them all into a Limbec & distill itt ingenioussly Take e liquid distilled & keepe itt well in a glasse
e waight of all these powders t will bee powdered & mixThe virtues
{1st} Dead bodys anointed therewith will nott corrupt or putrify
{2ly} It Restoreth pined bodys t are falne away temperd w th Rose Water & anointed from e necks to e Reigns
{3ly} It taketh away e Shakinges of agues if one houre before e fitt y anoint e backbone warme leauinge itt soe vppon a cloth
{4ly} In soundinge itt is as itt were e e last refuge to anoint e backbone
{5ly} ffor losse of speech lay a little thereoff vnder your tongue
with MS. 160