Smith College: England and Wales. Privy Council. [Document] 1601 Feb., Court at Richmond (1601) (MiscMS 426)

Document from the Privy Council ordering the payment of expenses for 100 men to serve in Ireland. Signed by: Jo. Cant (John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury), Tho. Egerton, T. Buckhurst (Thomas Sackville), Nottingham and others.


Needs Review


To our very good Lord the Lord Buchurst; L: high Treasurer of England.

Ulto februarij 1601 The privie Counsell Apparell, armes Conduct money & conducting of 200 men Levied from the Countie of Monmowth for Ireland.

After our right hartie commendacions to your good L. whereas by her Mats L[evi]es directed to the Commyssioners for the muster in the Countie of Monmouth there were the nomber of 100 Souldrs levied in January last in that Countie for her mats service in Ireland, wch were directed to the port of Brystoll, And that we make humble Request that the chardges dysboursed for the Armynge and apparrellinge of them after - iij£i xs a man, amountinge to iijCl£i, Conduct after viijd a daie to every man for five daies comynge to xvj£i xiijs iiijd. The conductors chardge after iiijs per diem for xij daies arysinge to - xlviijs, [And the Imprest money for every man after ? ? ? comyng to fyftie shillinges], maie be repaide by her matie to William Powell gent appointed by those Commyssioners to receave all the said severall Sommes, wch in the whole doth amount to the {369£.1s.4.} Somme of Three hundreth Three score, eleven nyne pownds [x] js. iiijd, For as moche as her matie hath graunted a privy Seale bearinge date the sixth of January last whereby your L: is aucthorysed to Issue soche Sommes of money for the levyinge, Armynge, and Apparrellinge of those men that are to be Imploied for the service of Ireland as shalbe allowed by six of us [in such] manner & forme as ys prescribed by the said privy Seale; These shalbe to Praie your good L: to give present order that the foresaid Somme of Three hundreth Threescore nyne eleven pounds, [?]js: iiijd for the Apparrellinge, Armynge, Conduct & Conductors chardge [wth the Imprest money] of those 100 Souldiers levied in the said Countie of monmouth, maie be paied unto the saide William Powell. wherein this beinge agreeable to her mats said privy Seale, shalbe sufficent warrant to your L: So wee bid your L: right hartily farewell. From the Court at Richemond the laste of feb: 1601

Your L: assured lovynge freinds.

Jo Cantuar Tho. Egerton. C.S. J.Buchurst. Notingham

Mr Skinner make an order J.B.

L: Treasorer.

W Knollys J.Stanhope.

J Fortescu. [Jo popham] J Herbert

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