Smith College: James II, King of England, 1633-1701. [Documents] (1688) (MiscMS 386)

Document, 1688 Apr. 12, Whitehall [to] Bailiffe & Jurats of Guernsey. Also signed by Sunderland. Requests that one soldier be set free and that the trial of three others be postponed. -- Document, 1688 Jul. 17, Whitehall. Instructions & order for the governours, captains, commanders, storekeepers & gunners in any of his Majs. castles, forts & garrisons in Scotland.


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To Our trusty and welbeloved the Bailiffe and Jurats of Our Island of Guernsey.

registred the 25th April 1688.


25 [?] [int?] 239

ordre du Roy Jacques 2me concernant le banduement de Gulli soldat

Misc MS 386

James II LS

James R

Trusty and welbeloved We greet you well. Whereas We are informed, that you have lately condemned one Lawrence Gully a Souldier in Captain Edward Scott's Company to be whipt and banished out of that Our Island; We haue thought fit to signify to you by these Presents, that We do disapproue of your proceedings herein; and that Our Will and Pleasure is, that you forthwith revoke the said Sentence of banishment, (which we are pleased to remit) and discharge and set at liberty the said Laurence Gully. And whereas We are also further given to understand, that John Turner, Francis Loden, and John Shaddock three Souldiers of the said Company are now in prison upon an accusation of hauing killed one John Carrick, Our pleasure is, that you forbeare all proceedings against the said Souldiers till the arrivall into Our said Island of Our trusty and welbeloved Colonell Legg Lieutenant Governor of the same, whom We haue directed to examine and giue Us an account of that matter, that We may giue such directions as We shall think requisite for the preventing all disputes that may for the future arise between Our Officers and Souldiers and you. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant. And so We bid you Farewell. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 12th day of Aprill 1688 in the fourth yeare of Our Reigne

By his Majtys command.

Sunderland. L.

Bailiffe and Jurats of Guernsey.

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James R

Instructions & Orders to be duly observed by every one of our Governours, Captains, Commanders, Storekeepers or Gunners of, or in any of our Garrisons, Castles or Forts in our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, for the prevention of any superfluous & unnecessary wast or Expence of Powder, Shott, Match, Armes or other Ammunition & Gunners Stores whatsoever.

1. It is our Will & Pleasure that no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever of, or in any of our Castles, Forts or Garrisons shall cause or suffer to be caused or made any Expence or waste of Powder or Shott in or from such Castles, Forts & Garrisons, otherwise than in fight with an Enemy, or for staying any Ship or Vessell by sufficient Warrant, or for defence of any of our Ships or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells of our Subjects, friends or Allies coming within our Protection.

2. That no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall upon Salute from any Ship or Vessell discharge in answer, above three or five peeces at the most, and those to be alwayes of the lesser sort of Ordnance; Nor any at all upon the Arrivall or departur[e] of any Person or Persons under the degree of our High Commissioner, an Admirall of a Fleet, or a Generall of an Army; nor upon any Festivall Entertainment whatsoever, Except on the day of the Restauration of the Royall Family, being the twenty ninth of May, and our Birth being the [gap left unfilled] of October, As likewise the Birthday of our most dearly beloved Son the Prince being the tenth of June, and the day of Gowreie's Conspiracy being the fifth of August: And not upon any other occasion whatsoever but by speciall Warrant from the Master of our Ordnance.

3. That no Commander, Captain, Officer or Gunner shall use or employ, or suffer to be used or employed to his or their own private use, or to the use of any Person or Persons, any of our Provisions or Emptions of whatsoever kind within his or their charge; but that the same be wholly kept & used for the proper end & Service for which they were first intended & designed.

4 That no Commander, Captain, Officer, Storekeeper or Gunner shall dispose of any decayed or unserviceable Ordnance, Carriages, Armes, Ammunition or other Stores whatsoever; but that the same be accompted for to the Master of our Ordnance, To the end such Order may be taken by the change & Sale of them as may contribute towards the supply of new & serviceable in their stead.

5 That every Commander, Captain & Officer cause his Gunner or Commissary to keep an exact Journall or day-Book of all Guns by him fired, and to write therein the number & nature of the Guns fired, with the day and the occasion thereof; As likewise the Expence of every Collar of Bandaleers delivered out or expended in Watch or Exercise of men; And of all other Stores whatsoever used or expended for the Service of our said Castles, Forts or Garrisons. And that at every six months end (or sooner if required) they returne to the Master of our Ordnance the said Accompt attested under the hand of the Commander in chiefe or his Deputs, of every Monthly Receipt, Expence & Remaines of Stores, to be kept by the Master of our Ordnances.

6 That they likewise be obleidged Monthly to make a Survey of, and to call all those who are intrusted to accompt for the Expence of all Stores under their Charge, and Monthly to signe the same. and that upon such Accompt they doe not allow of any wastfull Expence

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whatsoever contrary to the foregoing Rules. And in case any Armes or any dureable Provisions shall be found wanting, impaired or ill kept, That they cause the foresaid Persons, or such as haue the keeping of them, to make them good, or else to be lyable themselves to make satisfaction for the same; unlesse it shall appear (upon good proofe) that they were impaired by time without their default.

7 That no Commander, Captain or Officer deliver or issue, or cause to be delivered or issued, out of any of our said Castles, Forts or Garrisons, to the disfurnishing thereof, any Powder or other serviceable Stores or Provisions of War upon any pretended Service whatsoever without an expresse Warrant from Us, our High Commissioner, The Lords of our Privy Councell, or the Lord High Admirall and the Master of our Ordnance his signification grounded upon the said Warrant. And if at any time any Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall receive a Supply from any other than from the Master of our Ordnance, that he give his Receipt to the Person or Persons from whom he or they shall receive the same; And forthwith to advise the Master of our Ordnance or the Officers of the same, of the quantity & quality of the Stores so received, together with the Places & Persons from whom; and to cause the same to be entered in the Gunners Journall or day-Book, and charged upon Accompt.

8. That no Commander, Captain or Officer shall receive any Supply for his Castle, Fort or Garrison untill he shall have accompted to the Master of our Ordnance, of the Expence of his Stores formerly delivered unto [him by] [rest of line obscured by fold] received, or untill the Remaines thereof shall be taken by Order of the Master of our Ordnance; that so the same, together with the Supply may be duly charged upon him againe. And in case of the death or removall of any Governour, Captain, Commander &c: in or from any of our said Garrisons, Castles or Forts, Wee strictly Charge that timely notice thereof be given to the Master of our Ordnance, To the end an Accompt & Remaines may be speedily ordered to be taken of all our Ordnance, Powder, Armes and other Ammunition whatsoever within any of our said Garrisons, Castles or Forts at the time of the death or removall of any Governour, Captain or Commander as aforesaid; and that the same may be immediatly charged by Indenture upon the succeeding Governour, Captain or Commander upon his or their Entrance into their respective Employments, and an Accompt of the former Expence may be duly stated.

9 That in case any Commander, Captain or Officer shall be found faulty or short in Their Accompts, they are not to have any discharge or Allowance upon such Accompt from the Master of our Ordnance, but the said Master is immediatly to give notice to the Lords of our Privy Councell of the Names of such Captains or Officers, and of the particular defects & faults in their said Accompts; To the end such course may be taken either for punishment or reformation thereof as shall seem most requisite.

And it is our further Will & Pleasure that our right trusty & right welbeloved Councellor Lieutenant Generall James Douglas Master of our Ordnance in our said Kingdome doe communicate these our Instructions & Orders (by sending Copies of them attested with his hand) to the severall Governours, Captains & Commanders of our Castles, Forts & Garrisons there, to be by them communicated to the respective Officers under their Command, To the end the same be puctually observed. For doing all which, These presents shall be to them all and such others as may be therein any way concerned, a sufficient Warrant. Given under our Royall Hand & Signett at our Court at Whitehall the 17th day of July 1688, and of our Reigne the 4th year.


By his Mats: command.


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