


Status: Complete

Misc MS 137

Charles R

Our will and pleasure is that you our Right trusty and entirely beloved
Cousin Henry Marquis of Worcester doe assure yr selfe that in the worde of
a King and a Christian We will performe these ensueing favours and graunts
vnto you over and above the testimonies allready given of our acceptance
of yr zeale to our service, and the unparralelled expences you have borne and
are at therein.

First the arreares rents and residue of the Lord Petres Wardship for
yr sonnes receaving whereof we have now given a sufficient warrant

2ly We have under our signe manuall assigned the Customes of Bristoll
unto him but not knowing yet how they stand that assurance is not per-

3ly We have given Sr Richard Minhall order to finde out any disin-
gaged Lands of ours wch he conceaves he knoweth to the value of Sixty
thousand pounds stirling as the Honour of Grafton and others, and
then shall they be made unto you or according to yr direction for the
reall satisfaction of our debt unto you

4ly All the Lands and Royaltys the Earle of Pembroke hath in Monomouth
shire (though we should not take the forfeiture yet we will purchase them
and give and graunt them to you ands yours

5ly Our Deare Consort shall voutsafe the favour desired at hers and our
hands concerning yr sonne Thomas

Lastly, and further, there is hardly any thing wch you yr self thinke fitt to aske
and in our power to graunt, that we shall not finde in our hart a willingnesse
and readinesse to graunt voutsafe it, Only we propound that if you could
make up the hundreds of pounds wch you have lent over and above the
tenne thousands to the somme of five or six thousand then the great woorke
soe heroykaly begunne by you will be in a most redy way of perfection
but we leave this to yr owne choice assuring you that had not these
mischevous and malitious delays hindered yr sonnes proceedings and my
intentions this proposition had neverr needed, nor should not have benne
made unto you, and now that it is, if you can possibly in any ways procure
such a present somme, it shall prove very advantagious to you and yours
God graunting us life, and seconding his devine assistance allready voutsafed
unto us, Given at our Court at Oxford this second of De: 1642


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