





Members of the Department for Junior Club Women: To do full justice to the year 1940 in Junior Club history would fill a book hence, your Historian is forced to relate briefly some of the most important activities of the Club.

Mrs. Reynolds Lewis (Catherine Inglis Lewis) successfully led our Club during this year and with capable chairman has made her term of office radiate our theme, "The Finer Things for Finer Living."

We inherited from the 1939 administration the amount of $135.85 which gave us added enthusiasm for launching a program which has been filled with outstanding events. Perhaps, the most outstanding being the celebration of the Golden Jubilee Party which celebrated fifty years of progress in the general Federation. Among other events falls the Annual Mother-Daughter luncheon which was held on February 17.

In the celebration of the Democracy Day our Club also participated by entering a car for the parade.

The style show, which has been our Club's main money making project for a number of years, was held at the State Theatre and under the chairmanship of Mrs. Hight Daniel - profit being $214.14.

A tidy sum was realized as our percentage from magazine subcriptions. As an added act of progress, our Club subscribed to the General Federation Magazine for the officers and chairman of the board.

Cooperating with the Lions Club, a complete outfit was purchased for Alma Chaker's recital. Alma is blind and has received assistance from our Clubb from time to time.

Last edit over 1 year ago by BethCM


The Shoe Club, under Mrs. E. P. Hansen's chairmanship, has placed many pairs of shoes, both new and old, during the year.

Among other events which was greatly enjoyed was a lecture by Mr. Ed Hill, husband of our Pep Club Chairman, on flower arrangements; a lecture by Dr. Victoria Schuck of the College and a lecture by Mr. L. F. Chapman, Superintendent of State Prison.

Scout organization has been sponsored by the Club.

Mrs. Marion Wells represented the Club at the State Convention in Sarasota. The future policy of the Club concerning delegates to Conventions is: that we pay the expenses of two people, the elected delegate and her companion.

The Club was honored by the Senior Club at the Annual May Breakfast.

Mrs. Frank O'Kelly was appointed First Vice President -- Mrs. Ed Bell having resigned.

Contributions have been made to the Children's Home Society of Florida and from time to time contributions have been made to other worthy welfare needs.

Due to illness, it was necessary to accept the resignation of Mrs. Tom Moore, Sponsor. It was due greatly to Mrs. Moore's interest and effort that the Junior Club was organized, therefore, her resignation was accepted with deep regrets. A lovely silver bowl, a gift from the Club, was sent to Mrs. Moore. Mrs. James Graham was elected by popular vote to serve with Mrs. Kellum, the other present sponsor of the Club.

The entire Club participated in cooperating with the Senior Club's Bazaar.

Last edit over 1 year ago by BethCM


Mrs. James Gwynn and her able committee successfully carried through the second of "Our Knight's Parties."

In keeping with the time, Red Cross sewing has been done. A cash gift of $50 was donated to the Senior Club.

Four delegates, headed by the President, Mrs. Lewis, represented our Club at the Sectional Meeting held at Jasper, Florida and was awarded the prize for the best Junior Club report. The prize, which was a book, was given to the Senior Club Library.

Installation service was conducted by Mrs. J. G. Kellum at the luncheon meeting December 16, 1940. Mrs. Carson, incoming president, was presented the President's pin, the past president's pin, together with a gift from the Club presented to Mrs. Lewis in appreciation of the fine service which she has rendered to the Club. An appropriate gift was presented to Mrs. Kellum.

No history of this organization would be complete without special mention of the reports which each chairman and officer presented at the Annual Meeting of the Club. Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. A. C. Poole, Jr., Mrs. Ed Hill, Mrs. Bill Carson, Mrs. May Walker, Mrs. George Winchester, Mrs. Reynolds Lewis and others made outstanding reports reflecting the degree of interest and effort which has been, in a large way, responsible for the Club's increased progress in membership and outstanding accomplishments for the year 1940.

Respectfully submitted, Emily Bennett Rhodes Mrs. Alphonso Rhodes Historian for the year 1940

Last edit over 1 year ago by BethCM
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