




BULLETIN Health Information Programs If your Club wishes to learn more about Tuberculosis, The Tuberculin Test, Florida's State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, The Discovery, Treatment and Control of Tuberculosis, What Women's Clubs can do to assist in a program of Tuberculosis Control, write to : Mrs.Joseph L.Gray Chairman, Juniors Florida Federation of Women's Clubs 204 E. Camp St. Lake City or Florida Tuberculosis and Health Association P.O Box 119 Jacksonville

A speaker on any of the above or related subjects is available for the asking. Exhibits and films to supplement these talks are yours upon request. Printed matter in limited quantities also is available for distribution to your membership.

Notice must be given at least two weeks in advance, earlier if possible, if speakers, films or exhibits are desired. This is a service offered your Club through the cooperation of the Florida Tuberculosis and Health Association, Tuberculosis Division of the Florida State Board of Health and the Tuberculosis Committee of the Florida Medical Association.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Divineshia
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