




TALLAHASSEE WOMAN'S CLUB REVIEW February 12, 1936 Lona F. Boland Lavine E. Voss

Greatness - Our Creed By Maude Haynes Vice Chairman of Poetry Division

Keep us, O Lord, From petty thoughts From pretense when we meet our friends, From finding fault, and littleness, And bending words to meet our ends.

Teach us, in everything we do To be stratightforward; do our part; To share with others what we have of strength and body, mind and heart!

Let us march forward with a will, Our aims and efforts well combined To render service as we go - And may we be forever kind!

State Convention of Florida Federated Clubs will convene in Tampa March 17-20, inclusive. May our Club be well represented. Mrs. J. G. Kellum, first Vice President, will at this meeting take over the reins of Florida Federation.

If we are real club women, we can not afford to miss reading every page of our Florida Club Woman. If we are not club women, and if we read from cover to cover our National Club Woman, we shall soon be real club women.

The General Club Woman published in Washington is simply indespensable for a club woman. There are twenty subscriptions in our club - each of the twenty says it is wonderful. Why, we can't keep up with our femine race at

Last edit over 1 year ago by Divineshia


all if we never see this magazine; We shall not even know what's going on over the U. S. among our sister state clubs.

Four of our Poetry Division members - namely, Mrs. W. V. Knott, Mrs. Hollowell, Miss Mildred Williams, and Mrs. Arnold have entered State Poetry Contest

The board and members are grateful to Mrs. W. P. Shelley and her committee for the splendid program they prepared for this meeting.

For the Indian Welfare Program in Febuary, which was most interesting, we wish to thank, thru this channel, Mrs. Mosley Collins and her Committee. To Dr. Durz we feel indebted, having contributed a most interesting feature of the program.

The recent meeting of music study class which was held at College Annex was a treat - Bohemian music was the study topic. Mrs. Greene Johnston was chairman, and discussed Bohemian authors beautifully. Mrs. Dick Folsom sang one number of Dvorak, Bohemian author, with Miss Middlebrooks at the piano.

This is a worth while project. It is not only cultural but delightful to attend these meetings. The members of the music division, of which Miss Middlebrooks is chairman, spend much time in preparation of these programs. Members! let us show our appreciation of their efforts to do these worthy things, by attending their programs.

The State Chairman of music invited our music division to form a mucleus for a state chorus of annual convention in Tampa - an honor paid this committee! It was regretted that illness over the state prvented these plans for the convention.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by CaraLS


The General Federation will be held in Miami in April. Club Women from all over the states of the union will be there. Why not some of our club women form a party and go down. We're told that nothing greater ever happened "Under the Moon in Miami" than this convention. To meet Mrs. Lawson and her board and to hear them speak is a rare opportunity.

Those who anticipate attending the state convention in Tampa are Mrs. T. S. Green, Mrs. O. C. Parker, Mrs. Fred Moor, Mrs. E. G. Rivers, Mrs. A. E. Thornton, Mrs. J. L. Graham, Mrs. Ralph Gramling, Mrs. LeRoy Willis, Mrs. Tom Yon, Mrs. W. U. Norwood, Mrs. Laurence Salley, Miss Mildred Williams, Mrs. Mendenhall, Miss Howell of Washington, sister of Mrs. Fred Moore, Miss Conradi, Mrs. Sarah Partridge, Dr. Abbey, Mrs. J. G. Kellum, her sister Mrs. Williamson, of New York, Mrs. Cannibear, Mrs. Al Block, Mrs. Tom Moore and Miss Mattie Lou Love.

The Vocational committee meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. W. P. Shelley, Chairman, was most interesting and entertaining. Members of that committee are: Chairman, Mrs. W. P. Shelley, Mrs. Jeffry Alfriend, Miss Flavia Gleason, Mrs. R. S. Cotterel, Mrs. J. T. Diamond, Mrs. R. M. Evans, Mrs. W. C. Collins, Mrs. Dora Skipper, Miss Anna Mae Sikes, Miss Bolethia Frojen, Mrs. Diffenbaugh, and Mrs. Bryan Willis.

The Jacksonville Woman's club will sponsor an art exhibit in May, featuring paintings of Mrs. Laurence Salley, our local club art chairman - again, hurrah for Mrs. Salley!

In April, our club will sponsor an art exhibit featuring paintings of many local artists, and also varieties of art from the college. This promises to be the most interesting art program of the season. Mrs. Salley and her splendid cooperative committee are contributing no little to the cultural life of our town.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by CaraLS



Mrs. Lona F. Borland and Mrs. Lavine E. Voss, Editors of this bulletin are out of town for this week. Mrs. Borland is visiting relatives in Savannah; Mrs. Voss is guest of friends in Miami.

Mrs. Charlotte Beckham, Chairman, Literature Division entertained her committee members delightfully Thursday afternoon at her home. Members of her Division are: Mrs. Leland Lewis, Mrs. H. F. Richards, Mrs. H. S. Jenkins Mrs. A. E. Thornton, Mrs. Earl Proctor, Mrs. Ben Stewart, Mrs. Henry Pollitz, Mrs. J. L . Cresap, Mrs. J. L. Graham, Mrs. H. B. Raa and Mrs. J. P. Newell.

Mrs. J. G. Kellum spent monday in Jacksonville on business.

Mrs. Maude Nesbitt of Knoxville, Tenn., is house guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Thornton.

Welcome to our town and club officers and members of the Ocklochnee Educational Association.

The aims and purposes of a Woman's Club cannot be better set forth than given in the beautiful little poem of Vivian Yeiser Laramore, Poet Laureate of Florida.

Abreast with every forward move For Civic betterment We stand for beauty truth and love And all they represent.

Our aim to add from year to year New grace to town and state To keep our vision fresh and clear Our mind an open gate.

That you who tarry with us here A pleasant hour or two May know our efforts are sincere Our purpose high and true.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Divineshia
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