Page 4




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second line. Should the Genl. think it safe to order the whole
of Cap's Brigade to the right without replacing it with another
Genl. Cap will march it to the right formed in oblique echelons
of Companies. It will be the business of Genl. McArthur in the event
of his wing being [refused?], to watch the motions of the enemy (and
with the assistance of the Artillery) prevent his front line at least
from interrupting the progress of our right. Should the Enemys
militia be defeated, the Brigade of ours in advance, will im-
-mediately wheel upon the flank of the British Regulars and
Gen.l McArthur will advace to attack them in front. In the
meantime his Excellency Gov. Shelby can [use?] the Brigade in
reserve of the second line to protect the flank line from its
left or to reinforce any weak part of that line. In all
cases where troop in advance are obliged to retire through
those which are advancing to support them, it will be
done by companies in files which will retire through
the intervals of the advancing lines & will immediately form
in the rear. The lighter troops will be be particularly
governed by this direction. the disposition of the troops
on the left flank is such as the commanding General
thinks best calculated to resist an attack from the In
-dians which is only to be expected from that quarter
His Excellency Gov. Shelby will however use his discretion
in making any alteration his which his experience
& judgment may dictate.

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