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[Douglas?] - As soon as the troops are disembarked, the boats
are to be immediately sent back to the fleet. It will be
observed that the order of landing here prescribed is somewhat
that of direct Echelon deployed into line upon the advanced
Corps of the Right & Left Wing. It is the intention of the Genl.
however that all the Troops which are provided with boats should
land in as quick succession as possible & the General Officers
commanding towards the extremities of the line an authorized to
deviate from the arrangements, to counteract any movement
of the enemy by landing any parts of their command, previously
to the formation of the Corps which is herein directed to precede
them. The Corps of Leut. Ball & the Voluntier Rifle Battallion
will maintain the positions they occupy on landing untill the
Troops of the line are formed to support them. They will
then retire through the intervals of the line or to the flanks
and form in the rear of the line. A detachment of artillery
with a six pounder, four pounder & howitzer will land with
the advanced light Corps. The rest of the artillery will be held in
reserve & landed at such points as Major Wood may direct.
The point of landing for the reserve under Brig. Gen. McArthur
cannot now be designated. it will be made to support any
part of the line which may require aid or be formed on the flanks
as circumstances may require. The arrangement for landing
the troops will be made entirely under the direction of an
officer of the Navy whom Commodore Perry has been so obliging
as to offer for that purpose. The debarcation of the Troops will be
covered by the Cannon of the Vessels. The Troops being landed and the
enemy being driven off or not opposing the landing, the army
will change its front to the left & form in order of battle in
the following manner. The two Brigades of Regular Troops and
two of Volunteers to be formed in two lines at right angles to the shore
of the lake. Genl. McArthurs Brigade & Cavalry to
form the front line & [Cap's & Childs?] - the second line;
the regular troops still upon the left, that flank of both lines
resting on the shore _ the distance between the two lines will be three
hundred yards. The remaining three Brigades of Volunteers will be
drawn up in a rough line of two ranks at right angles to the
line of march, its head upon the right of the front line forming

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