Page 13




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Sciota the prospect before
is alittle hilly espesially
on the [Vir?] side & lower
down on the In side there
is some hills the land
is all this very good
Sciota is 50 miles above Lime
stone- good water down to an
I called the 18 mile which
leave to the left hand 6
miles below you come to
the 3 [I:s? (Islands?)] which keep to
the right hand when
you get within 5 or 6 miles
of Limestone there is 2 or 3
High Hills on Viz side &
a settlement beging
about 11 mile above Limestone
on the Inside Just before
you approach Limestone,
[insert- we arrive at Lime about 3 oCloc]
there appears some few
Hills on the I. side [on ? night?]

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Lucio Alvarez

beging should be beginning?