Page 11



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Pleasant [its?] is a most
Delightfull spot the River
[insert- a [few?] miles back from the P. the Land is [?]]
after the Junction is abot
1/4 mile wide & is generaly
the case more & Less from
fort Pitt Down - the country
in generall affords a most
Beautiful Prosspect being
[very fertile?] on both sides
the R. on the N. side [?]
[?] P. Pleasant is at
little Hilly tho nothing con
siderable the R. below the
Junction bears S.S.W about
2 miles below an I. which
leave to the right a litle
below the I is the F. [?]
-ment on the I side
This day we past by [?]
[Cr? (Creek?)] on both sides the R
12 miles the point and I
wt leave to the right
night came on [?]

Notes and Questions

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Lucio Alvarez

R = River.
P = Point? If so, there are towns in Ohio and West Virginia called Point Pleasant.