Page 10
below the lower end of this I.
there is a shoal in the river
[insert- here night comes on]
you must steer fully over to the
I. side we got aground twice
& were obliged to get in the
water & push off three or 4 I.
more we pass by which leave
all to the left hand the [Indian?]
side generally is best water
Oct 7th a Long I. we leave
also to the Left Oct 7th
Beautifull Land on the
on the way as yet
the River Bearing generally
S. W. 2 I. we pass Leavg
both to the left hand good
water down to the mouth of
Canaway R. ^90 miles below muskingum [whert? (short for 'where it'?)] forms a
Junction wtthat River a
S. W course Canaway [comes?]
in a from a S. course
the Point of Land is called
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