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October 1st. At Sunrise I crossed the Detroit River into
Cannada with Leut Cardwill & Sharp & several of my men
the sun rose with Splendor and I immediately rode down
to Sandwich and despatched boats back for my company
this place is equal of Detroit & is as handsome a place as
ever the Sun Shined upon I met Maj Arnold & Col Crockett
was with me in my tent last evening with many more of my
Kentucky friends -- I encamped my company in a lott above
the church a large frame house with a cupulo coverd with
tin where we got oats & Hay for our horses, a council
was held by Gnl Harrison of the Govenor in which it was
decided to pursue Proctor up Lake St Clair & the River Thames
& marching orders wre issued in the night for to start
at five oClock in the morning, the foot & horse incampment
included the greater part of the town of Sandwich and
Sentries were placed round so as to permit any person
to pass in to Camp but none to go out -- so as they
could carry information to the enemy which was certainly
a very salutary regulation --- --- ---

October 2d The foot troops with Govenor Shelby at their
Head marchd at Sun rise, we were orderd to take the
front the Govenor observing that if we wishd to overtake
our enemy we must march at the dawn of day

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