Religious broadside from Lorenzo Dow, 2 November 1815.

Broadside published by Methodist Evangelist Lorenzo Dow, which advises people to pray morning and night and to prepare to meet their God. It states, "Wars-- Pestilence-- Earthquakes and Famine-- the signs are ominous; but it shall be well with those whose GOD is the LORD!!"


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Given by Mrs. [G.T.?] Wilson October 15, [194?]


[symbol of hand pointing to right] ATTENTION! HUSH AND HARK!

A Cosmopolite, upon the Journey of Life from Time to Eternity -- entreats thee! O Reader! to serious consideration upon the value of thy Soul -- with the shortness and uncertainty of Time --and the duty you owe to GOD, with the awful consequence of living and dying in Sin!

II. Remember that by Nature you are in a fallen degenerate state -- therefore, ye must be REGENERATED & "BORN OF THE SPIRIT" --"For without holiness, no man shall see the LORD!" Hence be prevailed upon to take thy ETERNITY into the account -- with the consequences annexed to Vice and Virtue -- and


Avoiding all known sin, with unnecessary wicked company --and never lay down to rest without committing yourself into the protection of kind Providence -- and when you awake, give thanks -- Thus begin, spend and close every day with GOD -- having your mind staid upon HIM -- and your heart drawn out after HIM in a praying frame --Living to-day as you would wish to die, and be willing to account to GOD in CHRIST JESUS --that you may be happy here, and hereafter, in HIS KINGDOM!!

LORENZO DOW. November 2, 1815.

* WARS - PESTILENCE - EARTHQUAKES and FAMINE are the sword and scourge of GOD - the spirit of Missionary is prevalent --the times are eventful -- and the signs are ominous; but it shall be well with those whose GOD is the LORD!!

Cincinnati -- Looker & Wallace Print.

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