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Adjt Generals Office Fort Malden
3 November 1814
Detachments Orders
Major Stephen Thresher of the
16 regt Ky. Mi. will have detailed one com Captain two Lieut
panys two Ens four sergeants
four Corporals and one hundred Privates to
hold themselves in readiness to march at
a moments warning - The major will him
-self command the detachment Dr. Frazer
will act as surgeon and Lieut. Morgan
of the Arty. as Adjt to the detachment
Lew Morgan Lieut Arty
A. A. A. Genl
Fort Malden Nov. 7th 1814
Regimental Orders
The commandant of the 16 regt Ky
Mi. viewing the dangerous and unsoldier like
practice of Centinels, kindling fires and sitting
down while on post; Orders that the Officer
of the day immediately have the fires round
the lines extinguished, and confine every sol=
=dier on post that is found sitting or kinding
fire- Joseph Kennedy Major
commanding 16 reg By M. D.
Fort Malden 9 Nov. 1814
Regimental Orders/ The Captain of Companies
will at ten Oclock tomorrow parade their
respective companies on the green about the
fort and see that their men are clean their
arms and accoutrements in perfect good order
Joseph Kennedy Major 16 regt [?]
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