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Adjutant Generals office Fort Malden
Oct 29th 1814
Detachment Orders.
The troops will parade on the outside
of the fort this Evening at four Oclock, where the proceed
=ings of the court martial of which Major Kennedy is
President, will be read, all the troops not on duty will
parade with their cloths arms and accoutrements in the
best possible order.
Each morning so soon as the guard is relieved the old
old Guard will March out side the line of Centinels
and discharge their pieces.
No gun or pistol is to be fired within the fort or with
=in one mile of it except by special permission of
the Commanding officer - any person found viola-
=ting this order shall be punished to the exstent
of the military law.
By Order
Lew. Morgan Lt Arty.
A. A. A. Genl.
Adjutant Generals office Fort Malden
Oct 30th 1814
Detachment Order.
From the various reasons made by the
several Captains of the 16 regt Ky M. D. it becomes
necessary that each Captain of the 16 regt shall
make out a correct monthly report of the state
of his company at present and the alterations
that have taken place during the month and
giving the names of the absentees their rank
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