Page 2
Jones - baited & had bread & milk - 62
31 Few lodged drunken puppy B & S - 4
blacksmith Pas horse - 12
June 1 Cambridge toll bridge - 25
New axle tree - 1
Blacksmith - 1-50
Supper & lodging & breakfast - 3-87
washing - 75
Mending Charles boots - 12
Busk for Elizabeth - 6
Baited at Washington - 25
June 2 Belated & lodged at a private
house David Wherry 1-62
Breakfast at Gills - 1-37 1/2
Baited at Morristown - 62 1/2
Blacksmith for waggon & horse - 75
June 3 Lodged at Sharpless B. & S. - 3.62
Ferrage across the Ohio - 87 1/2
Baited at Wheeling - 37 1/2
June 4 suppd and lodged at Beals - 2-50
Breakfast at Clays mille - 1-50
Baited horse Washington Morris - 37 1/2
Cakes - 6
June 5 Lodged at Cannonsburg S. & B. - 3.50
Fed horses at Hays - 37
At the bridge Pittsburg - 43
Freight of trunk - 2
Postage letter from Ky - 18
4 mile tavern lodged suppd 3.37 1/2
Blacksmith - 37 1/2
36.38 1/2
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