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22 started in Paris paid - 3.25
staid at Arnetts B & S - 4
23 Blue Lick ferrage - 25
Broke down - repairs - 56
Moore - baiting horses - 50
Anderson Mays lick lodged E thrown 5.25
24 Limestone paid Langhorne - 1
Breakfast at Stithes - 2
Ferrage - 1
Whiskey - 12
lodged at John Means 10
miles from Limestone - B & S - 3.50
25 West Union baited horses 50
Brush - creek - 2
crossed to Breakfast & paid
for ferrage selves & horses - 1-50
26 Middletown baited - 50
lodged at Willis B & S - 4
27 paint creek ferrage - 37 1/2
Mrs Porter baited horses - 50
at Chilicothe bridge - 62 1/2
Thunder shower
28 lodged at Mays B & S - 3.50
Met a poor woman - 1
At Tarlton baited - 50
Lancaster lodged - 2-50
29 Marquat break fast - 1-37
Somerset repair wheel - 25
Porters lodged B & S - 3-50
washing - 62
30 Zanesville bridge - 56

Notes and Questions

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Lucio Alvarez

B & S = Breakfast & Supper?
Chilicothe and Zanesville are in Ohio.
E is probably Elizabeth, who is mentioned on pages 2 and 3. 'E thrown' - she must have been thrown from a horse. Page 6 has a list of things he bought her, probably trying to keep her happy on the long trip, so I think she's his daughter. Chas/Charles may be his son. He mentioned Pa twice, and Ma on page 7.