Letter from Jonathan Clark to Isaac Hite, 5 December 1807



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As I did not come thro. that part of the country in which Mr John Macher lives, on my way from Virginia last summer; on getting home I addressed a letter to Mr Macher, respecting his purchase of a part of your land for taxes - and some time this fall another - to neither of which I have received an answer; I intend to write to him again by the next post; I observe by your memorandum that you expected that Mr Daniel would probably settle with Macher, and I am in hopes he has done so tho. I think it strange Mr. Macher should not answer me even if Daniel has settled with him - you mention in the memorandum that you were at the time of the sale only interested in one of the tracts - indeed I remember that you mentioned that circumstance when I was at your house- I was at some loss to know which of the tracts I should settle with Macher for and wrote to know what advance he charged you on his purchase of your land in the state of Ohio - I mentioned to him, at the same time - that you had understood that he did not purchase with an intention of speculating on you - that he only claimed a compensation of the inconvenience of laying out of the use of his money ~ as I expect if Mr Daniel has settled with Macher you have probably heard it before now - I shall be glad to hear that he has done so - if he has not settled with him, I wish to hear - at any rate I shall be glad to hear from you respecting these taxes - Perhaps by this, you know which of the tracts you were interested in, if I hear from you before I do from Macher, and Daniel has not settled with him, it will probably be best to send up a messenger for the purpose of settling with him (Macher). but then without you can inform me, I shall be at a loss to know which tract I shall pay for - If I had have heard from Macher and he had fixed on a reasonable advance, I should have thot it best to have paid for both tracts, and trusted to being reimbursed by those you sold the land to - with respect to the land devised by Colonel Madison to his daughters - I have made enquiry, Clover creek on which the land lies - is in Hardin County - and perhaps 50 or 40 miles below the falls of the Ohio

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In a letter I received some time agoe from you in which you mentioned that an offer of two hundred dollars had been made for about thirty nine acres of land belonging to the Grantees, lying in Berkley and joining John Rees Levington Daniel &c I have always asked [pound symbol]80. for the land, but the persons from whom I expected to get it, I believe is too poor to raise the money. I think if the person who wants the land will lodge $200 dollars in your hands, I will on your giving me such notice send the deed. it is but an indifferent stony piece with no fence or timber, and joins no person that is able to pay, except Adam Livingston - In your last letter you inform me that you had been make purchases of land joining you, and that the use of the money in your hands would be convenient to you for a while, you may rest assured that I was pleased to hear that you had made the purchase, as I suppose it was very convenient to you to own the land, and as to the use of the money, it is very conve= =nient to me to let it remain in your hands, and it give me real pleasure to have it in my power to do so - perhaps some other money may be collected. please make use of any money belonging to me which may come to your hands. I do not think3 I shall want it before you will be ready to replace it - There are some bonds in your hands which if not paid I think suit had best be brought directly to November Court - to wit Thomas Williams, [words cut off]] William Vanaught- Larimore- Hedge and and one Johnston who was a tenant in Hampshire about two years agoe. unless he is still a tenant and make some payment, as to James W Danold I suppose I have waited with him untill I shall loose the debt, I would sue him if I thought I could get any thing by doing so, I wish you would ask Major Holmes if their would be any chance of his securing it by giving time. I think if it could be done the Major would undertake to do it for me ~ among the bonds sent you is one of Capt Songs he has promised to pay this fall. I have likewise sent an order from Colonel Booth on his son William which has not been paid. indeed I never asked William as I knew he got a very little money on the southern expedition, and the money was to be paid on his return the Colonel intended to have paid himself before I left Virginia, but met with a desappointment in gitting money this was for grant money which he received for me. I had the money to pay the grantees, the colonel must pay Interest - I have annexed

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A list of the bonds sent by Captain Hite ~ we have been very sickly this Fall on Bear Grass - several of my famiy are now very unwell - as to crops wheat there was very little seeded last year, and I believe that was not very good - those who planted tobacco must have made very fine crops. I made a little which was excellent - I believe there are very great crops of corn - the squrrells take a good part. I do not expect more than 6/ P[er] barrel will be had the next year - your Sc[cut off] and all the children have been sick - but are all about again - they present their love to you and the children, which they are joined by your most

Sincere friend

Jona: Clark

Bear Grass

Octo. 9. 1809.

Bonds sent by Captain Hite Ulreck Tillar & John Black Bond [pound symbol] 75.0.0 payd 1 Mar 1803 Jos Huddle & Jacob Huddle Do [pound symbol] 50.0.0 payd 1 Nov 1802 Cap: Nimrod Song Do $200 payd 18. June 1803 Col Booth order [pound symbol] 20.18.6 payd 6. Apl 1799 [cut off] [cut off] P. S. Since writing I find a few charges made by Mr Hite since 1789 which I have added to the account -

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