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Dear Sir
Your Favour of the 20th Instant
is now before; it came to Hand after my Brother
George left Dinwiddie, but I have this Day
met with an opportunity of sending the
Treasurers Assumpsit after him, which
[illegible] in Time. I don't doubt but
you cautioned the Treasurer against -
mentioning this Matter, as I think the
Success of the Scheme will in a great
Measure depend upon the Secrecy
with which the Business is conducted.
It is not necessary at present to give orders
about purchasing, as the Land cant be sold
before the Inquisition to be taken by the Escheator
shall have lain in the General Cour office
one Month; in the mean Time I have
desired my Brother to seach out all the
Land wch. belongs to british Subjects, and
make himself well acquainted with its
Quality Situation & other Advantages; and
also to endeavour to get one of my Brothers
appointed Escheator in order to make sure

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