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Dear Sir Your Favour of the 20th Instant is now before; it came to Hand after my Brother George left Dinwiddie, but I have this Day met with an opportunity of sending the Treasurers Assumpsit after him, which [illegible] in Time. I don't doubt but you cautioned the Treasurer against - mentioning this Matter, as I think the Success of the Scheme will in a great Measure depend upon the Secrecy with which the Business is conducted. It is not necessary at present to give orders about purchasing, as the Land cant be sold before the Inquisition to be taken by the Escheator shall have lain in the General Cour office one Month; in the mean Time I have desired my Brother to seach out all the Land wch. belongs to british Subjects, and make himself well acquainted with its Quality Situation & other Advantages; and also to endeavour to get one of my Brothers appointed Escheator in order to make sure
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of our Assumpsits' being received in Paiment. I shall see you some Time this Month - where we can give such orders respecting the Purchasing, as we approve of. _ The two thousand acres wch. I desired you to purchase was to be on our joint accts.; the application being in consequence of a conversation wch we formerly had on the Sub[illegible] [illegible] it would fix the Matter, but as [nothing?] [illegible] -ing passed between us, you are right to have it put beyond a Doubt: I wish to have the certificate, in case you make the Purchase, as soon as possible. Inclosed is a Letter from an old Friend of mine, at present the Governor of the first Magistrate in the Ilinois Country; he is a Man of Judgment & Integrity and one on whom I would as soon rely [deletion] as on any Man. If - what he says has any Influence on you in the Purchase, I shall not be dissatisfied with the Price if it should not amount to 20/. pr acre, but I expect it may be got much cheaper. When I come down we may perhaps strike at Charlton and Southalls, they have 6000 acres lying
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at the Falls of the Ohio wch. is the Land Mr Todd alludes to : It is very fine, has every natural advantage & lies adjoining the Place where a Town will be laid off next Assembly. I have several Times been on Terms with them about it & if you approve of it when I come down [illegible] [illegible]pose the Matter to them again
Your old Friend Col - Banister has for 10 Days past been very ill with a bilious Fever; but is recovering; I came here last night & mentioned your want of Flour, but he informed me he had sent you some the Day before. _ I have got much better myself than I was when I left Wmsburg but am far from being perfectly restored. I am Dr Sir yr Friend John May Battersea the 30th Augt 1779 } Mr Saml Beall