Page 9




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come to the Office before the 1st of May, he mentioned something
of certain Conditions annexed to your & his agreement, but
I could not recollect what they were not having your
letter with me at that time, he promised to come to the
Office that Evening, at which time I expected to have delivered
him the warrant, but he not coming for it till the
last Day of making Entries I thought it prudent
to locate it on our own acct under wch I have seen him
and he informs me he did not understand from me, that
I insisted on the Bargain, such warrants having
fallen in their Price on acct of the difficulty of
locating. On my way up, I bargained with Col.
David Mead
for 25000 Acres of Mr Morris Treasury warrants
for Tobacco at first Cost and all Expenses thereon and an
additional sum agreeable to any trouble I may have
with it. I took his note to the Company for the Price of
the land and to myself for the other allowance, not
with any intention of appropriating it to my own use
and for the Benefit of the Company. The note is 500000 [?]
& the Interest from the 15th Octr last past & the allowance
to be made me will I presume make it equal to 20/.
per acre a Price wch I hope you will be satisfied with ~
When we parted we were both timerous, and when an
Opportunity offered of disposing of so much of Mr Morris's
Part I thought it prudent to embrace it; I could have
to be totally put of it of but Col Mead would not take
it on any other Terms than that it should continue
in Partnership with me. I am surprised you have
never recd my letter respecting Littlepage's land. I left
it in very safe Hands as I thought, and hoped that before
this time the Purchase was made, but I now fear
it is too late. Our extensive views in this Country
yet remain a secret, People suspect that there are
extraordinary Matters going on between me & some
other Person, but not a syllable has transpired respecting
our late military Claims, but I do not think it prudent
to risque them, you will therefore enter Caveats in all

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