Page 5




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one thousand Acres, Alexr Spotswood Dandridge's
of 1000 Acres on the same creek, Hugh Mercer's, Zachy
's, James Taylor's, Hancock Eustace's, John Lawson's
William Southerland|Wm Southerland]]'s Edmd Taylor's, John Tenants, John
's, & Thos [Bouyers? Rangers?] wch lie at or near the Falls
or on the Ohio not far above. Mr Everard could
inform you where most of these Men live or if
not some Person attending the assembly pro-
-bably can. Col Smith is acquainted with most of them

May the 6th The Confusion about Entries is at length over
and no Disturbances have happened, but so much Time
is required to prepare for making Entries after balloting
the surveyor is only now beginning to receive
them; our lott is about Half way and I hope to
be able to locate to advantage not near all the first Days warrants being offered; I am sorry you made
such contract with Mr Mercer, as his warrants come so
late that they were very little better than state warrants
and the Deduction made for the Expenses of
locating &c not ^being nearly equal to what it will cost,
The great number of Pre Emptions dispersed through
every Part of this Country, render it so difficult to
locate, that I shall be under the necessity of giving
more than that sum for assistance; I therefore
should think that Mr Mercer shouldought to deduct the Expenses
I am at exclusive of my own Trouble from the
stock, and divide the Remainder with us; but if he
will not do so, I then would propose that he
should pay for locating his land and dissolve the
Contract; I woul rather give up my own Trouble
in that case, than that the contract should stand
I would not be understood, to imply the least
Censure or Blame, on you respecting this Matter;
it was impossible you could know the Difficulties
I meet with here, and without that knowledge,
the Bargain ^would appear to be a good one: I am perfectly
satisfied you did what appeared to be right, and
I shall endeavour to make the best of it. You have

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