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very intent upon purchasing a 400 Acre Lott of Con-
nolly's Land at the Falls, wch I do not incline to let
him have; for upon our former Plan, I mean to
purchase the whole three thousand Acres. Our warrants
^sent by Mr Overton of course the Escheator's Commission did not come
out Time enough for any Thing to be done in this
matter before I got out; and my Brother George
being out looking for Land when they came, I found
the Packet unopened: He will qualify the 2nd of May
next and at a convenient Time will proceed upon
the Business of his Office. Lands about the Falls are
likely to be immensily valuable, and I wish to be em-
-powered to secure some thousands of Acres there
at any Price; they would be worth 20/. pr Acre at least
of space, and may now be purchased at one fourth
Part of the value thereof, or at any Rate the most
vauable of such Land could be got for Half that
Sum. Southall & Charlton have divided their Land
I am informed, if so, by a Line to run from the River
back through the survey, if so, the upper Part will be
one third Part more valuable than the lower. I have
sent you a sketch of the River at the Fall ^& abt 80 miles up with
the several Tracts of Land lying on the River, which
appear to me to be the most desirable purchases, &
by wch you may be properly informed, before you
you make any Bargain; and whatever you do in
this matter let it be done soon.- I have seen a Man
from N. Orleans who informs me the Spaniards were in
Possession of all the lower Parts of theMississippi & that
they only required of the Inhabitants to take an Oath
of Fidelity of the United States of America, or of neutra
-lity during the present war; & in that case did not
molest them or meddle with their Property.- The
Carolina Line contrary to the Expectation of most
People, runs near Cumberland River leaving it

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