Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 16 August 1779



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Dear Sir I have expected to hear from you by every opportunity since I left Williamsburg, but have not yet received a scrape of a Pen; you certainly have heard from Mr. Morris before this Time and can by Mr. Murray's Return inform me what his Sentiments respecting the two subjects, of back Lands and the Mississippi Trade are : They are matters which I have much at Heart, and wish you to come to a Determination on as soon as possible. The violent attack of my Disorder prevented my coming to any Bargain for the 2000 Acres of Land I [mentioned?] to you, but the owner lives in or near Williamsburg, and may be seen almost any Day; his name is John Holt & Mr Charles Taliaferro can inform you where he may be seen : The purchasing his Claim at this Time will probably be a Matter [of?] [Consequence?] as I have an opportunity of locating it to advantage before other warrants are issued; I therefore should be glad you would in my name make the Purchase, procure a Certificate from the first Court wch. is held at or near Wmsbg. according to

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to the late Land Law respecting the Titles of Claimers to unpatented Land, & send me the Certificate by the first opportunity that I may issue a warrant of Survey : I would not choose you should much exceed £50 pr Hundred acres, thoug perhaps it may be got for less. Holt does not know that a warrant of Survey can be obtained before October, & that may perhaps influence the Price; but as the Law is published & he may get Information [t?]hereof if he pleases, you may either suffer him to continue uninformed, or inform him as you think right. _ Since I saw you it has occurred to me that under the Law respecting Escheats & Forfeitures there will be a considerable Quantity of choice Land in county of Kentuckey surveyed for British subjects to be sold; and as there is at present very little Money there, I am inclined to think that it will sell lower than the State Price, as the Sales are to be for ready Money; if you incline to engage with me in the Purchase thereof, and will join me in the inclosed Assumpsit to the Treasurer, we may perhaps obtain a Line or two from him to the Escheates [deletion] [deletion] [deletion] agreeing to - take our Assumpsit for the amount of the - Purchase Money : this I imagine the Escheator would gladly do as it would save him the Trouble & Risque of transmitting the Money to the Treasury within twenty Days as is required by the Law. This is a Sceme wch. I believe

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nobody but myself has thought of & therefore there is the greater probability of Success. If the Treasurer can't be prevailed on to grant our Request, and you should approve of the Plan of purchasing, pray if you can conveniently spare it, send two or three - thousand Pounds by Mr Murray, as my Brother is now here and will be a Safe Hand to send it out by. I shall take care that you are reimbursed the present value of one Half of what ever you advance more than I do with Interest. Mr Murray being in a Hurry I have only Time to say that I am Sir yr affectionate Friend John May Petersburg the 16th Augt. 1779

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1779 Petersburg 16th August John May Ansd

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