Letter from John Bowman to Isaac Hite, 6 March 1780



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Kentucky County March 6th 1780 Sir

This will inform you that our stocks have sufferd greately, what few their be living is not yet come up, the last account I had from them was that my Stepson was ded and the Cattle Horses and Sheep was deying fast, the Deth of David I fear will Breake my wifes heart, as soon as I can get an exact account I will Inform you What we have left. it is needeless to mention in this Letter what we have sufferd, but in my next I will give you a full Detail of our Whole Jurney, Which will be a bad one. - Isaac Left the Illonois five weeks Before Cristmas and had with him as I under stand the two Stills Mill Irons &c and have not heard a Breth of him since, I fear he has fallen a sacrefice to the Indians or is frozen fast in the Ohio, I do not know which, but I fear that sumthing has befallen him I have obtaned a settlement and preemtion for Each of us - also that one I Bought of Edward Jackson also one for Isaac Bowman I have Sent all the certificates and the money to Bring the Warrents for the preemtions for the whole and Expect them hear on the first of April --I have not heard a single word

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of our State warrents yet, I could have Located our Militerry Warrent had you Sent it out to Great Advantage. If it dos not come to harm before the first of May it will not be better than a note warrent, I have taken it for grated that the Messenger Sent Perreshed in the way. or Several people did, if then warrents do not Come to hand I know not what to do, if you have sent them by way of Pitsburg the May Still be safe as their is Grate Many People Expected Down the River this Spring. Their must be a stock of Sheep Bought for the Kentucky Partnership as I do think we have not one left, hear we are Almost all About [?] the Negroes Espesully, I will Try to make out with Letter & for the Present year, but shall Depend on wool for the futer and that to be got off of the sheep yet to be bought. the Winter has been so hard hear that it has Killed the cairn as Ded as Oak Leaves and Every thing that the Dumb Bruts Could Subsist on. Indede I dred to hear from the Settlements. You Must Not Expect Abraham in this Spring as it will take him till June to Colect what Cattle we Left on the way - Joseph Doth and Isaac Long Absence and Abraham Returning for The Cattle Leaves Me My hands full to do.

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Indede More than I am able to do I shall Start Down Green River Soon and Prepair against the first day of May as well as - Possible _ Isaac I Expect will take an active Part in the Roome of Joseph I Cannot Larn Whow My Brother has Setled his Affairs Before his deth - their is cartificates granted hear by me Comisinours for Land to the Amount of one Million Ninety Six thousand and fifty Acers it has Taken Great Part this Cuntrey - Indians have done Damage hear since December Last I fear the will be Amungst us Soon

Murphey Returnd with our sents as it was So very disagreable to him to stay and we can do without him.

We Shall Neede indeede we can not do well without 3 or 4 Pott R and as Many five Shovels and Tonge Pleas to have them made Strong and Large - we hear that the Knotes is in the Posession of the Spanyerds - Must ask also - Pleas offer my best Complimants to my ant and al the Rest of the family - May God Bless you all and I Remain your Affectionate

Jn, Bowman

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John Bowman March 6 1780

Mr Isaac Hite March for Frederick then foward by G. Sly

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