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Lincoln County cain Run June 10th 1782
Times have Been so Troublesume
hear with the Indians this ^summer that little or no Survaying
has been Don this summer and if Times should
Continue so the survay we have on hand canot in
safty be Made ^until times [wares?] a Better aspect and as by the Fatueges and hardships
I have under went since I have Joyn'd our partnership
Has Brought such Disorders on me that I fear I never
shall get over, at present I have Lost about seventy
Pounds of My former waight and almost all my strenth
so that I am obliged to Ride in to the fields to loook
after the Business of the Plantation, which obliges me
again to Request a Devision of our Partner ship aganst
the Experation of our Articles as I shall continue it no
Longer, as to the Smith Tools I Expected a full sett but
their is onley an Anvil a few hammers 3 pairs of Tonges and
a pair of Nippers a Bellows pipe Vice and Lether for a
Bellows, come to hand, not even the Hangings nor Nailes for the
Bellows has been sent, and pray how do you think the tools
can be made hear with out files and screw plate the Most
Principal articles Belonging to the sett, not Even one
Pound of steal to make any thing with, if the screw plate has
been forgotten pleas to send it by George Wm Stephens as for
the files I understand you have made use off -
my Brother Abraham was Married this spring to
Mrs Bryan and is Deserous of a Desolution of the Partner
Ship as well as my self, my wife [page damaged- gives her?] complements
to you and Family from your Very Humb Servt
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