Page 2




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now are, real estates are litterally worth nothing here
Cotton mills are to be purchasd for les than one third their
original Cost, every body wish to sell none to purchase
I notice what you say about the Negro mans wife & child
I shall be willing to purchase them by & bye if he behaves well
& turns out as you expect. you must be a little on your
guard (relative to the representation of Mr P on any Subject
my opinion is that he deceived himself & is too fond of
any Castles, when you have read this dash it out with your
pen for I know how Careles you are with your letters) I hope
you have succeedd in getting your other hands this was too
long negected I pray you all bear in mind of how much
Consequence the Tobacco Crop will be of & do not neglect it, it will
pay well the comeg year, your Couzin Geo. C Nightingale has
gone to Tennessee, & talks of Comg over the mountains home to be
here in May, I hope he will give you a Call he has many letters
for you all, Ethan Clark is going also that way, & we shall
expect to hear from you all by such good oppty, you should
[?] your letters & keep them till good oppty offers when
[?] comes with its date, I feel very gratefull to Mrs Peerless
for her politeness to Mary, but I hope none of you will neglect
those [Caris?] friends who receive you with so much politeness
I am glad you have got the brick under way, I shall send no
mason out from here, if they can be laid for [10/6?] thousand, nor
Carpenter either, if the Carpenter wages are [?] which
I hope to know by your next letter, also about the timber plantes &c
In my last I sent you a plan of the house, It will be best to Join to the
north and as fr my plan, as its my intention to make that end of the
old house wholly brick to Join the stone Chimney now in it.

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Lucio Alvarez

'getting your other hands' - finding more people to work on the tobacco fields?
Page 4 has Mr Prentiss, so he may be 'Mr P' on this page.