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Cranston 14 April 1816

Dear George

I have only recd yours of the 14 & 24 ult & notice their Contents
the draft for 794.5 has been presented and accepted and
shall be paid at maturity. I shall be laid under great difficulty
to get hold of funds from [?] Estate to meet my drafts for the
farm, I shall antissipate them & shall provide for the payment
at all events, the estate cannot be settled untill some time
in September wether this will retard my setting of[f] from
here I can not yet determine, I wish you not to draw on me
further if it can possably be avoided, but inform me of
your necessities, & I must remit you by which I can save
[?] by purchaseg at Phila western money, I very much
doubt wether I get from [?] estate enough to pay for the farm
it is so cut up by division besides more Creditors appear
than we knew of: money is [?] was never so hard to command
& Every one is pushd & Exceedingly distresd to get it; the same
difficulties are comeing on at New York & Phila makes me
sometimes wish I had entered into no engagemts whatever
I am glad you purchasd the Negro, I will [scrable?] this that payment
in some way or other but I pray you all be verry prudent, and
do all that [?] possable to make the farm yeild the greatest Crop.
the Tobacco Crop more particularly which for this year I most
rely on, should be kept well hoed & clear of weeds & not neglected
none of you ever speak of John or each other I hope he is verry
Industrious & attentive, tell Mary I think she should be more
with the family; its our duty one and all to be verry very prudent
& Deconomical & by Jos [? ? punitive?] I fear it does not
enter enough into his Views, I verry much apprehend that
I shall not be able to save one dollar from the Estate where

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Lucio Alvarez

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