I have hired a man to go with Jeff tomorrow morning, in serch
of the horses: Jeffs horse was hobbled with a rope: but if there
should be any whiskey in the way, & I am informed there is, they
will end their Journey there I expect: I must start one or 2
more men out after the horses: tomorrow or next day.
When I left home I took bearly money enough to bear my
Expences, & my expences here are greatly more than I expected.
Corn is 4 lb. per bushel, and in Some places one Dollar.
The man Overby Sold my Whiskey to, is insolvent, I cant git
one Dollar from him: his note is for $221. the greatest plenty
if I could git it, to buy me two ponies to take me home.
my great coat lieing in the woods, is burnt in holes: the
brush and greenbriers with which this county abounds, has
tore my Socks, Legings, Breeches, & Great Coat into strings
or rather Rags: here for the first time for many years
past, I have Dined & Sup'd on Dry bread and swamp water, I am
compeled to wash down [hand?] mill [bead?], with water, I
have fellen off 30. or 40. pounds I expect, with observation
and the bowell complaint, my fat belley has gone down.
I am now as gaunt as Brutus almost.
The Indians are encamped all through this County.
I am at their camp almost every day, but they are
like the Bees that assembled at Nashvill Some years
ago. Quite harmeless to all appearance. They live
wandering about seeking Game: and realy git more
of it, and live better than half the whites: in this quarter
when Jeff has whiskey he is all noise & bustle: when
none he mopes about and dose but little: he is the [mer?]
[iest?] Spencer: That I ever saw: I had better been by myself
if I am in verry good health most of my time, and
all my complaints are the effects of fateague cold and
hunger. You must not send me any money in Bank
Bills by the mail for I shall be gone hence before
it would arrive here. The hogs in this country are all
caught or shot in the woods & killed as they run no
such thing as puting up hogs to fatten with corn, the [me?]
eats like boar meet strong & tuff: like all other wild
meet nothing like our corn feed [?]: bad enough
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