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and partly named by you. I have been much pleased with
some of them: a few are not currectly named, & I should
wish more specimens of others them. I am going to mention some
1. The Arethura (anonyma) with small racemose flowers & no leaves
appears to be a Corrallorhiga but which? is it a new one? send me the root.
2. Yr Anemone hepatica is the Van Denta / send me more of it.
3. Yr Polygala senega, is a var of a or G. corymbia.
4. Yr Prunella penytranica is Salvia claytoni.
5. Yr Vivla anvynia is V. peclata Var bicolor Pusih
6. Yr Vivla punytranica is a difft sp which?
7. Yr Triviteum minus is a new species! sent me many spec
8. Y - majus is real Trivitium minus!
9 Yr Erigeum (anonym) is perhaps Billis integrifolia send me more
10 Yr Arabis (Anonym) is a New Spec? or a fine var. of A. lyrata.
11 Yr Iris Verna is Iris cristata or a New sp! send me many sp
12 Yr Uvularia perfol. is Uv. grandiflora.
13. Yr Panax guinguefol. cant be that since it has primate
leaves; but as it has no flowers, I cannot know what it is!
14. Op Orchis malaxis is O. spectabilis
15. Is Adviris autumnalis naturalind in the barrens?
16. Send me all Dodecathevirs, I believe to have 4 species of that G[cut off- Genus?]
17. Yr Stellaria Anon is St. pubera Mx.
18 Yr fine Delphinium Anon is doubtful perhaps new! Sent me [cut off]
19. Yr Ararum Canad. is A. virgin send me flowers.
20. Yr Trillium [?], has larger Calyx than the Carol. species
is it a New one? send me many spec.
21. Yr Phlox Anon is a new sp or Var of P. pilvsa-
22. Yr Gnaphalium, is certainly a new sp. next to Gn. plan
tagineum, the flowers are similar, but the scales white obtuse
& large. I shall call it Antennaria corollata; both belong to the
genus Antennaria of Gaertner. Send me many specimens.
This is only a sketch of my opinions, since many of the
specimens are not complete, the Gnaph. for instance wants the
radical leaves &
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