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Dr. Short Lexington 20th Nov 1819
Hopkinsville ---

Dear Sir
I was in hopes to hear from you, since you must have [strikethrough illegible] known that I was here. -- I returned last Summer & explored during the Seson part of Kentucky, where I have as usual made many discoveries, as well as on the mountains. I found among many others the following new plants in Kentucky --

Melothria nigra
[illegible] [illegible]
Cacalia ponniculata Mostly from the Cliffs of the Kentucky River
Curnus obliqua
Betula rupestris [illegible]

There two last are described in the Western Magazine published here by Mr. Hunt & and club of literary gentlemen.
I never heard if you rec'd lately my remarks on the fine [illegible] of plants, you sent me last year. I have since taken the liberty to publish one of them, in the American Journal of Science, under the name of [illegible Myosurus?} Shortii, dedicating the same to you.

Have you collected any thing this year for me? I should be highly gratified to hear it. If so send them on whenever an opportunity shall offer. I shall send you my remarks on them, and shall probably publish them under your name at some future period. Meantime please to remember me in all your future Herboriations.

I have just seen a new species of Gentian, which may be called Gentiana serpentonia. It was sent from Indiana as a powerful cure for rattlesnake's bites, and [insertion] it [end insertion] even throws them into stupor - So it is said.

I have lately found near Lexington the common mistletoe of Kentucky in full blossum, and ascertained that it is an undescribed species, I sh

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