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[ 43 ]
B. Logan, J. Logan, M'Dowell, Marthall, Payne, Price, Steel, Sudduth, S: Tay-
lor, R. Taylor, Thrufton, Wilmott and Wallace. Teas 17. Nays 37.
And then the convention adjourned until to-morrow morning eight o'clock.

THURSDAY, Auguft 15, 1799.

The convention met according to adjournment, and refuned the confidera-
tion of the conftitution.
Art. 4th. Section 10 and 11 being feverally read, were agreed to.
Add to the 12th fection the following words, viz : 'Provided, that the go-
vernor may fill any vacancy in either of the faid offices during the recefs of the
general aflembly.'
In the laft line, ftrike out the words 'botb boufes of ,' alfo the word ' legifla-
ture, and infert in lieu thereof the words ' general affembly.'
The 5th article having been read by fections was agreed to.
Article 6th. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 14, being feverally read, were
concurred in.
A motion was made and seconded, to amend the fect. 7th, line 4th, after the
word 'Virginia, ' by inferting the words 'except the law concerning rents.'
It pafled in the negative.
The yeas and nays being required by two members prefent, were as fol-
lows :
Yeas ----Mefirs. Adair, Abell, bailey, Brown, Buckner, Bell, Brunner, T.
Clay, Davidfon, Y. Ewings, R. Ewing, Grundy, Irvine, Minor, Prather, Rowan,
Rodgers, and S. Taylor.
Nays-----Mefirs. T. Allin, Breckinridge, Bofwell, Bledfoe, Baker, Carr,
G.Clay, Clark, Coleman, Cafey, Duncan, Griffith, Harrifon, Hickman,
Henry, Innes, Johnfon, B. Logan, J. Logan, W. Logan, M'dowell, Marfhall,
Payne, Price, Stockton, Steele, Smith, Sandford, Sudduth, Thomas, R. Taylor,
Thrufton, Wilmott, and Wallace. Yeas 18. Nays 34.
Ordered, That the 31 ft fection of the 2nd article be transpofed to the end of
the 2nd fection of the 6th article.
Sect. 10th, line 5th after the word 'towns' infert the words 'truffles of towns
excepted.' After the word 'and' insert the words 'ball keep their respective offices.'
Sect. 11th, line 1ft, strike out the words 'and their.'
Line 3d, after the word " lands' infert 'the.'
Line 4th, after the word 'commonwealth' infert the words 'who receive a
fixed annual salary from the public treasury.'
Sect. 12th. Add to the end thereof the words 'under the exceptions contained in
this constitution.'
Sect. 13th, line 2nd, strike out the words 'determine,' and infert the words
'regulate by law.'
A motion was made and seconded, to add to the end of the 15th fection the
following words : 'Provided however, that in all elections by the people, a ma-
jority of all the members elected to each branch of the general assembly, mah every

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