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Status: Complete

Clay, Davidfon, Hickman, Irvine, Johnfon, Payne, Stockton, Smith, Thomas,
S. Taylor and Wilmott.
Nays - Meffrs. Adair, T. Allin, J. Allen, Abel, Breckinridge, Bofwell, Buck-
ner, Carr, Clark, Coleman, Cafey, Duncan, Y. Ewing, R. Ewing, Grundy, Grif-
fith, Harrifon, Hufton, Henry, Innes, B. Logan, W. Logan, M'Dowell, Marfhall,
Minor, Owens, Prather, Price, Rowan, Rodgers, Steele, Sandford, Sudduth, R.
Taylor, Thrufton, and Wallance. Yeas. 18. Nays 36.
It was then moved and feconded, to ftrike out the words "don not" and add
before the laft word, in the fyllable "in."
It paffed in the affirmative.
A motion was then made and feconded, to infert after the word "treafury"
the words "or any allowance from any quarter feffion or county court."
It paffed in the negative.
The yeas and nays being required by two members prefent, were as follows:
Yeas - Meffrs. Bailey, Brown, Bell, Bledfoe, Baker, Brunner, G. Clay, T.
Clay, Davidfon, R. Ewing, Hickman, Irvine, Johnfon, Payne, Stockton, Smith,
Thomas, and S. Taylor.
Nays - Meffrs. Adair, T. Allin, J. Allen, Abel, Breckinridge, Bofwell, Buck-
ner, Carr, Clark, Coleman, Cafey, Duncan, Y. Ewing, Grundy, Griffith, Harri-
fon, Hufton, Henry, Innes, B. Logan, W. Logan, M'Dowell, Marfhall, Minor,
Owens, Prather, Price, Rowan, Rodgers, Steele, Sandford, Sudduth, R. Taylor,
Thrufton, and Wallance. Yeas 18. Nays 35.
Sect. 27th, line 10th, ftrike out the word "alfo."
Lines 5 and 6, ftrike out the words "truft or."
Sect. 28th, line 2nd, ftrike out the word "hath," and infert the words "may
Sect. 29th, line 3d, ftrike out the word "wholly." Add to the end of the
fection the words "unlefs four-fifths of the houfe where the bill fhall be depending, may
deem it expedient to difpenfe with this rule."
Sect. 31ft. Infert between the letter "a" and the word "fenator" the words
"governor, lieutenant governor."
The convention then proceeded to reconcider the 10th fection of the 2nd
article, when it was agreed to amend the fame by adding thereto, the words
"and the fenate when affembled fhall have power to chufe its officers annually."
Ordered, That the 6th fection of the 2nd article be committed to a committee
of the whole convention to-day.
The convention then refolved itfelf into a commitee of the whole, to take
into confideration the faid fection.
Mr. T. CLAY in the Chair,
And after fome time fpent therein, the prefident refumed the chair, and Mr.
Clay reported progrefs, and afked for leave to fit again to-morrow ; which was
The convention then adjourned till four o'clock.
At four o'clock the convention again met, and refumed the confideration of
the conftitution.

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