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Status: Complete

descend or vest as in cafe of natural death, and if any perfon shall be killed by
cafualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reafon thereof.
Sect. 22. That the citizens have a right in a peaceable manner to affemble
together for their common good, and to apply to thofe invefted with the powers
of government for redrefs of grievances, or other proper purpofes, by petition,
addrefs, or remonftrance.
Sect. 23. That the rights of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themfelves
and the ftate, shall not be queftioned.
Sect. 24. That no ftanding army shall in time of peace be kept up without
the confent of the legiflature, and the military shall in all cafes and at all times be
in ftrict fubordination to the civil power.
Sect. 25. That no foldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any houfe
without the confent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pre-
feribed by law.
Sect. 26. That the legiflature shall not grant any title of nobility or hereditary
diftinction, nor create any office the appointment to which shall be for a longer
term than during good behaviour.
Sect. 27. That emigration from the ftate shall not be prohibited.
Sect. 28. To guard againft tranfgreffions of the high powers wehich we have
delegated, we declare, that every thing in this article is excepted out of the general
powers of government, and shall for ever remain inviolate ; and that all laws
contrary thereto, or contrary to this conftition shall be void.


That no inconvenience may arife from the alterations and amendments
made in the conftitution of this commonwealth, and in order to carry the fame
into complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordained :
Sect. 1. That all laws of this commonwealth in force at the time of making
the faid alterations and amendments, and not inconfiftent therewith, and all rights.
actions, profecutions, claims, and contracts, as well of undividuals as of bodies
corporate, fhall continue as if the faid alterations and amendments had not been made.
Sect. 2. That all officers now filling any office or appointment, fhall con-
tinue in the exercife of the duties of their refpective offices or appoinments for
the terms therein expreffed ; unlefs by this conftitution it is otherwife directed.
Sect. 3. The oaths of office herein directed to be taken by law to be made in the
prefent year by commiffioners of the tax, fhall the reprefentation be fixed for
the firft four years, by the general affembly which is to convene in November
Sect. 5. In order that no inconvenience may arife from the change made by
this conftitution, in tthe time of holding the general election, it is hereby ordained,

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